I'm sorry I dropped the ball today- I got lost in my work and forgot to pick the kids up.,我来为大家科普一下关于哪些英文单词含有ball?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



drop the ball: make a mistake 犯错误

I'm sorry I dropped the ball today- I got lost in my work and forgot to pick the kids up.

I think she really dropped the ball when she decided to quit that promising internship.

be on the ball: be quick and attentive 全神贯注的

Our new assistant is really on the ball. He does everything on time with no mistakes.

I'm so glad that my assistant is always on the ball because I'm too scatterbrained to manage my schedule on my own.

have a ball: have a lot of fun 玩儿的开心

What a party! Everyone was there and the music was great! We really has a ball!

The kids really had a ball at the birthday party—they won't stop talking about it!

a curve ball: something unexpected and confusing 意外的,出乎意料的事件

Sales have been improving for months, so this sudden drop is quite a curve ball.

I thought I had confirmed my hypothesis, so these results are a real curve ball.
