Hey what's up, Stefanie the English coach here from EnglishFullTime. com. In this video we are going to be talking about words that sound very similar in English.,我来为大家科普一下关于这些简单的词你念错了多少年?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hey what's up, Stefanie the English coach here from EnglishFullTime. com. In this video we are going to be talking about words that sound very similar in English.


But these words don't sound similar to native English speakers. In fact, to native English speakers these words sound nothing alike.


They're completely different. But when you are learning English and you are dealing with sounds that don't exist in your native language, some of these words might sound almost identical to each other, ok?


So I'm gonna go through a list of words that you guys helped me create, that's right, I didn't invent this list myself, I did not find it on Google, this comes from the feedback that you guys have been leaving on my YouTube videos. So thank you so much I love the feedback that you leave, because it helps me know what to teach in my videos.


Anyhow, so let's just get into it. The first pair that we have is MEN and MAN.


Men man, many men, one man, men man en en an an. Next we have WANT and WON, like I want a car or I won a car.

Men man, many men, one man, men man en en an an.接下来是,WANT和WON,我“想要”一台车/我“赢得”了一台车。

Now the reason why these two sound so similar is because when they are said quickly, they actually do sound exactly the same. Listen, I really want a car, I won a car, right?

这两个单词听起来很相近的一个重要原因就在于,说快了这两个确实特别像。"I really want a car", "I won a car".

When we say them quickly in fast speech, they're said the same way "I wan a car." Right? But when you pronounce these words individually, one is WANT with the T at the end, and the other is WON with the N at the end.


However, when we do pronounce WANT, we rarely pronounce it with the T at the end, usually we cut it off and we say WAN, I wan' that and the other word is WON. So the difference is wan' and won, wan' and won.


Now the next pair of words is ONE, like the number one, and also WON. One, Won.

下面的一组是one和won。One, won.

Now one of the reasons why these words get confused so much is because a lot of people actually say won like "Yeah, I won a car!" So they pronounce it exactly like the number one and maybe that's why you've been confused.

这两个单词很容易让人迷惑是因为很多人会说"Yeah, I won a car!"这样的话。他们的发音跟one完全一样,所以你才分不清。

I do not however, I would say "I won it", I don't say "I won it".But a lot of people do, so that's another reason why they sound exactly the same. Sometimes because they do they are the same, depending on how people pronounce them.

我并不会这么发音,我的发音是"I won it"。但是很多人的发音都是这样,这也取决人们怎么发音。

Next HAIR and AIR. Do you see how I'm taking a breath in and then I'm releasing it to say hair, hair, hair, right?


Because you do have to release that breath of air, that's the H sound, right? Hair. The word air, on the other hand, I just start right away with the word, air, "The air was blowing through her hair."

因为在发H这个音的时候,你要呼气,Hair。而另外一个单词air则直接开始就好了,"The air was blowing through her hair."

"The air was blowing through her hair." Hopefully you can hear the difference there.

"The air was blowing through her hair."希望你能听出来其中的区别。

Next TREE, three, free. This set of words is one that you guys have told me that you struggle with the difference is what comes at the beginning of the word.


So tree, we have a strong CH sound there, tree tree tree. Then we have three three three, ok?


So the tongue does go between the teeth, you do not have to exaggerate this and say thhree like that, ok? Three three three. My tongue is like right between my teeth, right behind my teeth and it's just there quickly and then I pull it back, three, for the r, three.


Then we have free free, ok? Free. That is the F sound, my vocal cords do not vibrate, I'm just releasing the air blowing it out, and my teeth are right here on my bottom lip.


And notice the top lip is relaxed, free, free, OK? So, tree, three, free.


Try saying that fast a few times, it's a real tongue-twister.Next, LOOSE, LOSE.


Loose, lose, OK? Your shoe laces are loose. Did you lose the ball?

Loose/lose。Your shoe laces are loose. Did you lose the ball?

Your shoe laces are loose. Did you lose the ball? What's the difference here?

Your shoe laces are loose. Did you lose the ball?能听出区别来吗?

There are two main differences, one is that the vowel is elongated. We have the same vowel in both words, but one is longer than the other, listen.


Loose, lose, loose, lose. OK? The other difference is the ending loose, has the S sound, loose.

Loose, lose, loose, lose.另外一个区别在于结尾音,loose的结尾音是s。

Then we have lose, lose, that's the Z sound. Next we have PROVE and PROOF.


Prove and proof, OK? Can you prove that?

Can you prove that?He wants proof.

He wants proof. So here we have some very similar differences, the vowel sound, right?


Prove, that's longer. You are saying it for a longer length of time.


And the proof is a lot faster, proof. Prove, proof, OK?

Prove, proof.另外一个区别在于结尾,prove以v结尾,而proof则以f结尾。

And then the other difference is the ending, prove has the V ending, proof has the F. So the way these sounds are made is almost exactly the same, the tongue the teeth the lips, they are all in the same position.


The only real difference is the vibration of the vocal cords. With the V sound, your vocal cords vibrate, with the F sound, they don't.


Next, LEAF and LEAVE. Leaf and leave.


Again we have the same differences here as we've been having in the previous set of words. Leaf, the E sound is very fast, leaf.


And then in leave, the E sound is longer, leave. That's a beautiful leaf.

That's a beautiful leaf.He wants to leave.

He wants to leave. OK, and the other difference is the ending Again we have the V versus the F, leave, leaf.


Next YEAR and EAR. The difference here is just the Y sound at the beginning of year.

It's gonna be a great year.Ow, my ear hurts.

It's gonna be a great year. Ow, my ear hurts.

Ear, year.你应该能听出来year开头的这个音。

Ear, year, OK? So you should be able to hear that sound at the beginning of year.


Now if you can hear the sound then you can practice making it and saying the words correctly. Next WORD and WORLD.

我知道这两个单词可能比较难,所以要多多练习。Word word word.

Word and world. I know these two words are very difficult for many of you, so lets practice this.

注意单词词尾d这个发音,我在另外一个视频里面讲过,你可以不发这个d,变成wor' wor' wor'。That's a really long wor'.

Word word word. Now notice I am pronouncing the D at the end, but I talk about this in another pronunciation video that I've done, you can stop the word at the D sound, wor' wor' wor'.

dang'ran当然也可以说"that's a really long word"。通常在句子结尾我都会省略这个d,world也是一样,

That's a really long wor'. Or I can say "that's a really long word".

不用非要说world,可以直接说worl'。This is a crazy worl'.

OK, but usually if it's at the end of a sentence, I might just cut off the D sound same with world. I don't have to say world, I can say worl'.


This is a crazy worl'. Do you see how I'm stopping the word at that D sound?

That word is really big.That wordis, wordis, wor-dis, wordis.

Now one thing I should mention though is that sometimes the D sound would get attached to whatever comes after it like this. That word is really big.

That word is really big.有一个小技巧,你可以把world这个单词看做"were"和"old"两个单词。

That wordis, wordis, wor-dis, wordis. That word is really big.


Now one quick tip for pronouncing "world", you can also think of it as two separate words "were: , like the word "were", and then "old" like that man is "old". Were-old, that's actually a trick that someone commented on my last pronunciation video.


I thought it was pretty cool, so I wanted to share it with you guys here, so were-old, world. If you think about it like two separate words that might help.


Next we have SHIP and SHEEP. Ship Sheep. And I'm going like this because you should be able to hear that one sound is higher than the other, OK?


This sound is a bit higher and it's placed more forward in the mouth. All of the vowel sounds that we make are made in different places of our face, our vocal apparatus, OK?


Some sounds are made more in the back, some are made more in the front, some are made maybe more on the nose, depending on what language we are speaking, OK? Some languages have more nasal sounds than others.


So the sound when I'm exaggerating it, look how my mouth just widens like this. However, when I'm saying sheep, I'm not going sheep like that, that's totally awkward, I'm just saying sheep, sheep.

我这么做是为了告诉你这个音的位置在哪里。Sheep sheep ship ship.

So you should be able to make that sound without exaggerating and going like that. But doing that sort of shows you were the sound is placed in your mouth OK?


Anyhow, sheep sheep ship ship, OK? Again, if you can hear a clear difference, that is gonna help you pronounce them correctly.

接下来是SICK和SEEK。He's really sick.

You have to hear the difference first, and then you have to play with your voice and practice until you can say it the way I'm saying it. Next we have SICK and SEEK.

She wants to seek a new job.同样,你也没必要发K这个音,可以直接说"he's really sic'"。

He's really sick. She wants to seek a new job.

但是后面如果跟着一个音,比如"She wants to seek a new job",就会变成"seeka","She wants to seeka new job"。下面是PILL/PEEL。

And again you don't necessarily have to pronounce that K sound at the end, you can say "he's really sic'." "He's really sic'." And likewise with the other examples I gave of words connecting to whatever comes after it, when I say "She wants to seek a new job", I'm saying "seeka", "seeka", "She wants to seeka new job."

Every morning he has to take his pill.Peel the orange before eating it.

Next PILL, PEEL. Every morning he has to take his pill.

Pill, peel.TAX/TASK.

Peel the orange before eating it. Pill, peel.


Next, TAX, TASK. Tax, task. The ending is inverted.

You'll have to pay tax with that item.Don't worry, it's an easy task.

One has the KS sound, tax, and the other has the SK sound, task. You'll have to pay tax with that item.

BEER/BEARD.He spilled beer in his beard.

Don't worry, it's an easy task. Next, BEER, BEARD.


He spilled beer in his beard. OK I am cutting off the D here of beard, cuz I don't really say beard.


But again, in English we tend to cut off lots of sounds at the end of words, specially consonant sounds, OK? Where you can just stop the sound in your throat.

Pepper/paper.She puts pepper on her eggs.

Anyhow, beer beard, beer beard. Next, PEPPER PAPER.

He wrote it down on a piece of paper.好了,接下来要讲的几个单词可能儿童不宜,所以如果你周围有孩子,就让他们到一边去,或者静音视频,免得他们听到。

She puts pepper on her eggs. He wrote it down on a piece of paper.


OK and this video would not be complete without a couple examples of profanity, so if you have children around please send them away or mute this video or do something if you don't want them to hear this. Because the next couple words we are gonna talk about are swear words.

如果你仔细听的话,你会发现这两个单词里面还有单词。Itch,就是"my leg itches"的那个itch。

Here we go. B*TCH BEACH. Now if you listen closely, there is actually real words inside this words.

Each,是"each person is different"的那个each。Bitch/beach。

Itch, itch, like "my leg itches". Each, "each person is different", each.

发音要注意。你需要练一下这几个单词,特别是你想用的时候,因为你可不能说"oh, she is such a mean beach."沙滩很美好的,一点都不尖酸刻薄,不能拿来骂人。

Bitch, beach, ok? So again, we have. . .


You do wanna practice these words, specially if these are words that you use cuz you don't wanna say "oh, she is such a mean beach", because beaches aren't mean they are really nice. So beach beach and b*tch b*tch b*tch.

She washed the sheets for her bed.

Next, SH*T SHEET. He just step in a big pile of sh*t.


She washed the sheets for her bed. Sheet, sh*t.

He wants to kiss her.She lost her keys.

And last I saved the best example for last, or at least this was my favorite. KISS and KEYS.

He wants to kiss her.She lost her keys.

Like he wants to kiss her. She lost her keys.

我觉得这个发音正确很重要,因为你可不能对别人说"Hey, can I keys you"这种话。而要说的是"Can I kiss you?"不是Keys。

He wants to kiss her. She lost her keys.

Kiss, keys.好了,这就是今天的全部内容,感谢收看。

Now this I thought it was a very important example to go over because you don't wanna say to someone "hey can I keys you" ok? You wanna say "hey can I kiss you? Can I kiss you?" not "keys", OK?


Kiss, keys. Alright you guys, that's it, thank you so much for watching this video.


I hope you learned something. Please let me know in the comments which words pairs were easy for you, which ones were difficult, did this video help you with any of them, are you able to pronounce them correctly now.


Please let me know, I love reading your feedback. And if you are new to this channel, I just wanna let you know that the number one way I promote improving your English is by practicing by speaking English with real people.


That is the one thing that can help take you form where you are to where you want to be, to help improve your fluency, your confidence, etc. So I wrote a guide, is on my website it's totally free you can download it, it's about how to practice your English with native English speakers.


I pretty much mention this guide in almost every video, because it has helped thousands of people, I really believe it can help you too. So I would go ahead and link that in the description, feel free to download it.

It's an easy read, it's really quick to get through, but it's gonna teach you strategies that you can start using today. Alright guys, that's it. I'll see you in the next video.
