

上海地铁 (图片来源:东方IC)

The Ministry of Transport introduced a new regulation last week that bars passengers nationwide, with exceptions for infants and people with certain medical conditions, from eating or drinking in subway cars.交通运输部上周发布了一项新规,在全国范围内禁止乘客在地铁车厢内进食,婴儿及病人除外。

The policy is scheduled to take effect on April 1 along with a raft of new conduct rules that will forbid subway riders from playing music or videos on speakers, lying down or stepping on seats, the ministry said.交通运输部表示,该办法将于2020年4月1日起施行,明确了一系列新的行为规范,比如:禁止在地铁车厢内听音乐或看视频时外放声音、躺卧或踩踏座席等。

除了上述规定外,办法还明确了以下乘客行为规范:不得骑行平衡车、电动车(不包括残疾人助力车)、自行车(riding scooter, electricmobile or bicycle),使用滑板、溜冰鞋(using skateboard or roller skates);不得随地吐痰(spitting)、便溺(relieving oneself)、乱吐口香糖(spitting chewing gum),乱扔果皮、纸屑等废弃物(littering)等。

办法同时明确,乘客不得在地铁内推销产品或从事营销活动(marketing activities),乞讨(begging)、卖艺(busking)及歌舞表演(singing and dancing),大声喧哗、吵闹(talking loudly or shouting)等。

China's rail transit system has developed rapidly in recent years, with 35 cities in 24 provinces having built subways as of the end of 2018. The combined length of subway lines reached 5,295 kilometers last year, with the number of subway trips standing at about 21.28 billion in 2018.近年来,我国城市轨道交通快速发展。截至2018年底,我国内地共有24个省份的35个城市开通运营轨道交通,运营里程5295公里,2018年城市轨道交通客运量约212.8亿人次。


逃避安检 skipping security checks

站台乱扔杂物 littering on the platform

排队加塞 jumping the queue

越过站台黄色警戒线 stepping beyond the yellow warning line on the platform

咸猪手 groping

地铁站内涂鸦 graffiti on subway stations

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

