
“keep one’s eye on the ball” 意思是给予某人充分的注意,不要失去焦点。

I know we can do it. We just need to keep our eyes on the ball and not lose focus.


"last straw" “最后一根稻草”指的是最后的烦恼、干扰或背叛,它会使人放弃、失去耐心或变得愤怒。

Our boss had been unhappy with Brian's performance for a while, but it was the last straw when he came to work three hours late without calling.


"learn the ropes" “学会诀窍”的意思是学习一些东西的基本知识。

I like my new position. I'm starting to learn the ropes.


"long shot" 是指发生的可能性很小的事情。

Winning the lottery is a long shot, but millions of people still buy lottery tickets.


"lose ground" “失去地盘”的意思是失去某种优势(例如市场份额)给竞争对手。

Apple lost some ground to Samsung last quarter.


no brainer 不用脑的

Taking the new job was a no brainer. They offered me more money, a better schedule, and more vacation days.


"no strings attached" “没有附加条件

They will let you try the product for free with no strings attached. If you don't like it, there is no pressure to buy it.


"no time to lose" “没有时间去浪费”,这意味着要尽快完成某件事有很大的压力。

I told them I'd be finished by the end of the day and it's already 4:45. I need to get to work. There's no time to lose.


not going to fly 不会飞起来意思是无效,没有发展

I don't think that's going to fly. Let's keep generating ideas.


off the top of one's head 从我的头顶上看,意思是他们给出的回答没有考虑很多,大概估计。

I have no idea how many branches they have. Off the top of my head, I'd say about 20.


on a roll 连续几次成功

Our profits have been above our projected numbers for five months in a row. We're really on a roll.


“on the ball” 的意思是对事情保持警觉和意识,能干。

My new personal assistant is working out well. He's really on the ball.


”On the same page“ , “在同一页上,”他们在某些事情上意见一致。

Let's go over the details of what we agreed on to make sure we're on the same page.


“on top of something” 意思是控制局面,意识到变化。

I read a lot to stay on top of the latest changes in my industry.


“on your toes” 站在你的脚趾上, 意思是保持警觉

Stay on your toes. Anything can happen.


"out in the open" 是公众的知识,而不是隐藏在人们面前

I think it's good to do things out in the open because people get suspicious if you do things in secret.


“out of the loop” 意思是“跳出圈”,意思是不知道一群特定的人知道的事情。

I felt like I was out of the loop after being on vacation for two weeks.

