The River Covered with Snow


Snow on the River 直译

Hundreds of mountains without the sound of birds.

Thousands of pathways without footprints of visitors.

There is a lonely boat on the river.

With an old fisher in a straw cape and a rain hat .

Sitting on the deck alone.

Fishing by himself.

Snowflakes are dancing in the air.

dynasty [ˈdinəsti] n.王朝;朝代

hundred [ˈhʌndrəd] n.,adj.一百(的)

thousand [ˈθauzənd] num.一千 n.成千

pathway [ˈpɑːθwei] n.路径,小路

footprint [ˈfutprint] n.足迹;脚印

cape [keip] n.海角;披肩;短斗篷

snowflake [ˈsnəufleik] n.雪片,雪花


直译: 千山万岭不见飞鸟的踪影,千路万径不见行人的足迹。只有在江上的一条小船里有个披着蓑衣、戴着斗笠的老翁,在寒冷的江上独自垂钓。

升华:绵延起伏的山上, 白雪皑皑, 银装素裹, 没有了飞鸟的鸣叫和踪影,在山内外所有的小路上没有人的行踪。在寒冷的江上,雪花飞舞,一个披着蓑衣,戴着斗笠的老渔翁,一个人坐在孤零零的船上独自垂钓。


Fishing in Snowy River 升华翻译

Looking at the rolling mountains!

Snowy ranges, silvery pines.

In and out of mountains and rivers.

No birds' trace and songs.

No tourists' track on all the pathways.

Looking at the broad frosty river!

A solitary craft floating in the river.

An old fisherman sitting on the bow of boat.

With a straw cloak and a bamboo cap.

Fishing alone in the freezing weather.

range [reindʒ] n.范围;山脉

trace [treis] n.踪迹;足迹

track [træk] n.路线;小路;踪迹

frosty [ˈfrɒsti] adj.冷若冰霜的;严寒

solitary [ˈsɔlitəri] 孤独的;单独的

craft [krɑːft] n.手工艺;船艇;行业

floating [ˈfləutiŋ] a.漂浮的;流动的

straw [strɔː] n.稻草,草帽 a.草编的

bamboo [bæmˈbuː] n.竹子a. 竹制的

cloak [kləuk] n.宽大的外衣;斗篷


柳宗元(公元773年—公元819年),唐宋八大家之一,唐代文学家、哲学家、散文家,世称“柳河东” “河东先生”。柳宗元代表作有《溪居》、《江雪》、《渔翁》。

