
723rd article723期双语推文



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From October 10thto 12th, 2021, the China BDS Applications Conference and China GNSS & LBS the10 thAnnual Conference were held at the Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center.


Following these, the 2021 National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week will also be held in Zhengzhou, starting October 19thand lasting until the 25th.


As an increasing number of national conferences and exhibitions are held in Zhengzhou, the city is demonstrating its strength and charm as a center of creativity and also shows its power and potential to become a famous city of scientific and technological innovation with international influence.


Building a center for BDS innovation, application, and industrialization with great speed


At the China BDS Applications Conference and China GNSS & LBS the 10thAnnual Conference held from October 10thto 12th, enterprises, institutions, academicians, and experts in the fields of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Location Based Services (LBS) across the country gathered in Zhengzhou to discuss the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) development and draft a new blueprint for the high-quality development of the BDS industry.



Photo: Ma Jian

As a large agricultural producer and a pivotal transport hub with the third highest population in China, Henan Province provides favourable conditions for the development of BDS applications. "Zhengzhou has increased its investment in the development of the BDS industry and steadily pushed the work forward in recent years", said Yu Xiancheng, president of the GNSS & LBS Association of China.


In the past few years, Zhengzhou has seized the opportunity of large-scale BDS application to develop its own BDS industry chain. As a result, a great number of well-known universities and research & development institutions in the field represented by PLA Information Engineering University, as well as more than 760 BDS-related enterprises such as GLTech, have been established in Zhengzhou, fueling Zhengzhou's growth into a new national center for BDS innovation, application, and industrialization.


To accelerate the development of the BDS application industry, the GNSS & LBS Association of China announced at the conference to set up a BDS Application Workstation in Zhengzhou. "I hope that this Workstation will bring vitality and new opportunities for the development of the BDS industry in Zhengzhou, in Henan, and even in the whole country", said Yu Xiancheng.


Striving to build a dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship center


From October 19thto 25th, the 2021 National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week titled "High-quality Innovation Creates High-level Entrepreneurship and Employment" will be held in Zhengzhou.


Following Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Hangzhou, Zhengzhou becomes the new host city of National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week. This will be the first time that National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week has been held in Central China since its inception in 2015.



Photo: Zhou Yong

During the 2021 National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week, Zhengzhou, as the main venue, will set up a Preface Hall and five exhibition areas to display a total of 144 projects, and will also organize a series of activities such as the Seminar on Innovation and Reform Exchanges, Venture Capital Summit, and New-era Entrepreneurs to fully demonstrate the new efficiency, achievements and ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in Henan Province.


Behind the upsurge of innovation and entrepreneurship is the city's full support and the breakthroughs in innovation made by scientists and technologists. Zhengzhou has continuously promoted "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" and acted upon an openness- and innovation-driven development strategy towards the goal of building an internationally competitive innovation and entrepreneurship center in Central China, propelling the city's technological ingenuity and high-quality economic development.


Here take the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City established last year as an example. The Zhongyuan Science and Technology City has attracted a total of 143 high-quality projects worth over 160 billion yuan, creating more driving forces for dynamic technological innovation in Zhengzhou. It has also initially formed a "2 N" industrial system dominated by the digital industry and life sciences and built a "Six Ones" service system to improve its industrial chain, the six "Ones" incorporating one leading enterprise, one park in the parks, one package of planning policies, one activity carrier, one cluster of enterprises, and one innovative industry. As part of the first stage, it has built 10 characteristic parks with specially defined functions and segments, covering artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and biomedicine, attracting a number of targeted leading enterprises and high-quality projects such as Alibaba Cloud, Digital Talents, 58 Technological Innovation, and the Innovation and Entrepreneur Center of China Western Returned Scholars Association. There are also 908 identified high-level talents in the Zhongyuan Science and Technology City, including 17 Class A top-level talents, 8 Class B national-level leaders, and 45 Class C local-level leaders, initially forming a large-scale cluster of high-level scientific and technological innovation projects with talents as the core.

以挂牌成立一年的中原科技城为例,累计引进各类优质项目143个,总投资超1600亿元,全面推动郑州科技创新更加活跃、发展动能更加充足。初步形成以数字产业、生命科学为主导的“2 N”产业体系,积极构建“一个龙头企业、一个园中园、一套规划政策、一个活动载体、聚集一群企业、形成一个创新产业”的“六个一”服务体系,完善产业发展链条。首批打造人工智能、自动驾驶、生物医药等10个功能明确、细分产业清晰的特色园中园,并精准引进阿里云、数字豫才、58科创、欧美同学会海创中心等一批头部企业和优质项目入驻。认定各类高层次人才908人,其中A类顶尖人才17人、B类国家级领军人才8人、C类地方级领军人才45人,初步形成以人才为核心的高水平科创项目规模集聚之势。

Upgrading incubators in both quality and quantity


In recent years, Zhengzhou has increased policy support to upgrade incubators in both quality and quantity by improving incubation capacities, assessment systems, and innovation & entrepreneurship conditions. Only when the city's incubation service ability and level are significantly enhanced will more talents and enterprises be willing to take root here.



Photo: Ma Jian, Zhou Yong

In line with the three-year action plan for the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship complexes, Zhengzhou has built 20 such characteristic complexes with high standards, covering a total area of 5.85 million square meters, which play a major role in the city's innovation and entrepreneurship carriers. At present, in these complexes, there are more than 4,000 companies under incubation, 360 high-level leading talents, and 28 companies listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ).


Zhengzhou has also increased its efforts to cultivate new carriers and upgrade existing carriers, so that more carriers can make the national list. It encouraged Zhengzhou Yutong Group Co., Ltd. to apply for the National Specialized Maker Space in New Energy Vehicles, and in 2020, Yutong was officially approved as one of China's first national specialized maker spaces in new energy vehicles. That year, there were a total of 11 national-level maker spaces and 3 national-level technology business incubators approved in Zhengzhou, accounting for 69% and 50% respectively of the province's total. In June 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education jointly announced the Notice on the Eleventh Batch of Identified National University Science Parks, and Zhengzhou University Science Park was one of them.


From incubation to acceleration, the rapid development of Zhengzhou's scientific and technological innovation amazes the world, which is inseparable from the overall progressive development of the city and the tenacity and perseverance of the people in the city.


At the end of 2020, the Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology announced the annual evaluation results of national-level technology business incubators. Out of 235 excellent candidates, nine were in Zhengzhou, ranking the city fifth after Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Nanjing, which is high praise for Zhengzhou's incubation capacity and service level and also proves Zhengzhou's vitality and flexibility as a city for scientific and technological innovation.



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