


拉丁语 corps 意思为“body身体”, 在英语中演化为词根corp,意思为“身体”。

1 . corporal,[ˈkɔːpərəl],adj. 肉体的,身体的。

"This study demonstrates that corporal punishment does not teach children how to behave or improve their learning, " Prof. Talwar said. 塔尔瓦说:“这项研究表明,体罚并不能教会孩子如何做人或提高他们的学习。


2 . corporation,[ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn],n. 公司;法人(团体)。

A large corporation usually has more power than a small independent business. 一家大型公司的实力通常比小型的独立商家更强。

3 . corps,[kɔː(r)],n. 军团;兵种。发音同core。

A military group in the university is usually called corps, which inducates unified training. 大学里的军事团体通常称做“军团”,表明他们受到统一的训练。

4 . corpse, [kɔːps],n. 尸体。

The corpse was found by children playing in the woods. 孩子们在树林里玩耍时发现了尸体。

5 . corpulence,[ˈkɔːpjələns] ,n. 臃肿,肥胖。形容词corpulent [ˈkɔːpjələnt],肥胖的。

The animals shed weight, dropping an average of about 14 percent of their corpulence. 大鼠的体重在下降,平均下降了其原有体重的14%。

We must look corpulent and rich. Our dirty clothes gleam next to the children’s clothes but these people just laugh and welcome us. 我们看上去一定很像肥胖的有钱人,穿着脏兮兮的衣服,和当地孩子的衣服有得一拼,但是人们总是用欢笑来欢迎我们。


6 . corpuscle,[ˈkɔːpʌsl],n. 血球。

It is extremely important for the human body to have the correct balance of red and white blood corpuscles. 红白血球的正确平衡状态对于人体极其重要。


