本案为中东阿拉伯地区特色产品进出口贸易企业LOGO, 名称为”aladin", 即“阿拉丁”,“阿拉丁神灯”。


The project is the LOGO design of an import and export trading company of Middle East and Arabian product , and the name is "aladin". The project is the LOGO design of an import and export trading company of Middle East and Arabian product , and the name is "aladin".

The design uses Aladdin’s magic lamp as the main icon element. The style is simple and refined, with a sense of mystery and imagination, and the color scheme highlights the exotic style.

之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design


Aladin 阿拉丁LOGO有色底版本


Aladin 阿拉丁LOGO透明底版本


Aladin 阿拉丁LOGO单色版本
