The word "stress" has a very negative connotation. We hear it and immediately go to a dark place.


negative 否定的,拒绝的

connotation 内涵意义,隐含意义,联想意义

But the reality is that stress isn't bad in an absolute sense.


One famous scientist actually identified two types of stress:


1:Distress: Negative stress:1:负压: 负面的压力


2:Eustress: Positive stress2:正压: 正面的压力

Distress is what we commonly think of when we heard the word stress. It is the negative stress that leads to a range of negative patterns such as demotivation, low energy, deteriorating performance, and anxiety.


demotivation 动力不足

low energy 精力不足

deteriorating performance 表现恶化

anxiety 焦虑

Eustress is the positive stress that leads to a range of positive patterns such as improved motivation, enhanced performance, focused energy, and invigoration.

Eustress 是一种积极的压力,它会导致一系列积极的模式,例如提高动力、提高绩效、集中精力和振奋精神

improved motivation 提高动力

enhanced performance 提高绩效

focused energy 集中精力

invigoration 振奋精神

Both distress and eustress cause a physical release of common stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline), but the response is very different.


Interestingly, the experience of distress or eustress in a situation can be influenced by our own perception of the stressor, context, and situation.


For example, if we experience a simple daily stressor, there are two ways we can choose to perceive it:


1:Negatively 负面地:

We feel overwhelmed by the stressor and worry that we won't be able to overcome it. We wonder why this is happening to us and how we can possibly get past it.


2:Positively: 正面地

We feel energized by the opportunity to beat back this stressor. We know we don't have everything figured out right now, but we are confident in our ability to figure it out and get past it. We choose to view the stressor as an opportunity to excel.



The negative perception increases the odds of this stressor causing distress, while the positive perception increases the odds of this stressor causing eustress.


