


1) 以后想起“借条,欠条,打白条”等的意思时,就不要只会“蹦”出一个英语单词了,什么IOU(I Owe You), or personal loan note, or promissory note啦,然后什么IOU(I Owe You), or persinal loan note, or promissory note啦就是中文“打白条,借条欠条”啦,我们还要“能说英语”,这才叫“学英语,用英语”!


2) 用“借条”说英语、用英语:

If you borrow money from me, or if I lend you money, you must write an IOU,or a personal loan note, or a promissory note.

You make an IOU to show that you owe me some money/that you acknowledge a debt to me and must pay it back ,or promise to pay it back with,or without interest(利息,不是“兴趣”) at the time we agree upon.

这才是IOU,loan note, or promissory note,不是中文“欠条”之类。

你不一定能一字不拉说出上面的英语,但多少还能说出什么单词IOU(I Owe You), or persinal loan note, or promissory note啦之外的上面的一些英语。这就是英语口语的“英语积累”。


Well, an IOU is the same as a promissory note or a loan note, but IOU is informal English,and a promissory note is formal English.

