Z世代眼中的山东人厚道不古板,淳朴非无趣探访齐鲁大地,发现身边的烟火气,在《What’s on》栏目中,萌新主播带你双语体验和谐山东正能量,了解动感山东新鲜事,感受不一般的好客山东,我来为大家科普一下关于山东台青少年英语比赛?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Z世代眼中的山东人厚道不古板,淳朴非无趣。探访齐鲁大地,发现身边的烟火气,在《What’s on》栏目中,萌新主播带你双语体验和谐山东正能量,了解动感山东新鲜事,感受不一般的好客山东!

Hi, welcome to What’s on!


Shandong Province is known to be both hardcore and gentle. What are the special powers of Shandong people? Well, today I’ve come to the Jinan Art Museum. Socome along with me and let’s discover it together.


So I’m now here at the fourth hall of Jinan Art Museum. Photographic works exhibition of Kind Land of Shandong and Virtuous Shandong Peopleare currently on display. A total of 120 photographs are displayed in this exhibition, which aims to pay tribute to moral role models through images.

现在我所在的位置是济南市美术馆四号展厅。这里正在举行“厚道齐鲁地 美德山东人”主题摄影作品展。本次展览共展出120件摄影作品,旨在用影像致敬道德模范。

This picture is named Declaration of Life and Death captured by Ma Weiguo. The veteran soldier is called Li Jide, a comrade of combat hero Huang Jiguang. They made a declaration in the battlefield that no matter who died, the person left behind should take care of his parents for him. Well, he witnessed the moment when Huang Jiguang threw himself at the enemy’s machine gun and blocked the muzzle with his own body. The spirit of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army has always inspired us to remember our history, treasure the present and protect the peace.


Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky, rushing into the sea and ne’er come back? This picture shows that the eastern route of China's first and greatest tunnel across the Yellow River was drilled through in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province. Against all the hardships and struggles, Jiluo Road tunnel with a total length of 4.76 km was formally opened on September 29, 2021.It was the first time in human history to cross the "aboveground river".


According to the photographer Huang Shaoshi, this picture was captured in January of 2019. The hero is called Zhang Yanlu, a 47-year-old employee of the information center of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company. He was awarded 2018 Model Worker of his company. Though he often works overtime at weekend, he still tried his best to maintain duty when his parents were both ill in hospital.


Well, these are excellent examples of Shandong people’s being real-life and trustworthy.


Thanks for watching and hope to see you next time! Bye!






