


  1. 理解非谓语动词的语态——主动和被动
  2. 理解非谓语动词的时态——过去,现在,将来








一. 不定式及短语作状语、定语、表语和主语


  1. He opened the door to let kids in.
  2. He hurried home to fine his mother wasn't home.
  3. he boy was lost, never to be found again.
  4. To do morning exercises is useful for our health.
  5. To sweep the floor is my duty every day.
  6. He has much homework to do today.
  7. We have a very distinguished guest to attend our party.
  8. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.


二. 不定式的复合结构


  1. She fetched several bottles for Harry to use.
  2. It's so kind of you to help me.
  3. For a child to learn everything is impossible. =It's impossible for a child to learn everything.
  4. The article is too difficult for me to understand.
  5. The order for them to climb the mountain was given.
  6. The Internet made it possible for us to contact with relatives miles away.

三. 不定式及短语作宾语补足语


  1. My mother asked me to wash the clothes.
  2. I consider him to be the best candidate.
  3. The teacher told him to come on time.
  4. Edison’s mother taught him to read and write.
  5. They are believed to have discussed the problem.
  6. Thousands were reported to be working in concentration camps.
  7. He is thought to be hiding in the woods.
  8. My mother wouldn’t let me go to the film.
  9. I don’t like milk, but mother made me drink it.
  10. I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park.
  11. I watched her get into the car.
  12. I saw the woman enter a bank.
  13. We often hear her sing this song.
  14. Did you notice her leave the house?

四. 不定式及短语作及物动词宾语


  1. I agreed to support him.
  2. He said he wanted to be a professor.

一. 过去分词及短语作状语和定语 


  1. Moved to tears by her, he stood there silently.
  2. Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.
  3. He was all wet caught in a heavy rain.
  4. Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful to us.
  5. The new product finally passed the required test.
  6. There are many beautifully decorated houses in this rich area.
  7. The man followed by security guards is our chairman.

二. 过去分词及短语作宾语补足语


  1. I heard the song sung by a girl in English.
  2. I'll have my hair cut tomorrow.
  3. Don't leave those things undone.

一. -ing分词作状语和定语


  1. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.
  2. Falling water can be used to generate electricity.

二. -ing分词及短语作宾语补足语


Can you hear her singing the song in the next room?

三. 名词化的-ing分词


  1. His being frightened makes us aware.
  2. Would you mind me opening the window?
