Some of the many species that migrate at night, when the sun and landscape are not visible, most likely navigate by the stars. On cloudy nights, certain birds can still find their way, however, perhaps sensing Earth's magnetic field with some kind of internal compass. Some researchers think the key may be a compound called magnetite discovered inside the skulls of homing pigeons. Others hold that birds navigate by ear and detect extremely low-frequency sounds--like the roll of ocean waves from hundreds of miles away.
第一句中的species虽然字典意思是“物种”,但这里指的就是鸟类,所以翻译时采用逻辑引申的方式,把概括性词语具体化。certain意思是“某一个,某一些”,这里译成“某些”即可。magnetic field意思是“磁场”。magnetite 是“磁体,磁铁矿”的意思。roll译成“翻滚”。
Avian navigation is not foolproof. In December 1987, a bald eagle, native only to North America, was found in Ireland. Blown off course by a winter storm, the bird had mistakenly crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Ragged, exhausted and perhaps a little embarrassed, it flew back to the United States on an airliner.
avian可以用作形容词及名词,指“鸟类的;鸟”。foolproof adj.意思是“使用简便的,傻瓜都会用的;完全可靠的;万无一失的,不出问题的”。比如:The system is not 100 per cent foolproof. 该系统不是百分之百不出毛病的。
bald eagle 指“ (北美)白头海雕”。短语blow off的词典意思是“放出;吹掉”,因为它后面跟的是course(航线),不能译成“吹掉航线”,翻译成“偏离航线”更合适。