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Love handles


英英释义:deposits of excess fat at the sides of a person's waistline. 腰两侧的赘肉

Wanna see some examples?


  1. despite their cute name, there isnt' much to love about love handles. “腰部赘肉”的英文名字虽然很可爱,但它可没什么好被人喜欢的。
  2. I've tried so many ways to get rid of those love handles :( 我试了好多方法来减腰部赘肉。

【How to get rid of love handles】


1. cut out added sugar 不要吃添加糖

healthy eating is key when you are trying to lose fat in any area of the body. Ditching added sugar is one of the best ways to clean up your diet.


2. Focus on healthy fat 吃健康脂肪

Filling up on healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, seeds and fatty fish can help slim your waistline. 使用健康脂肪,像牛油果、橄榄油、含有脂肪的鱼,都可以帮助使你的腰部更纤细。

3. Move throughout the day 增加运动

Finding simple ways to increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day is an excellent way to lose excess body fat. 找到一些简单的方法,增加你一天的能量消耗,这是一个减脂的很好的方法。

【Let's Talk】

Do you have love handles? Are you happy with them :P If you had them , how did you lose them? Leave a comment and share your experience.

