














#!/usr/bin/env python3 import hashlib import traceback import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess as sp import tempFile import argparse import bz2 import gzip import sqlite3 import traceback import time from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Dict import requests REPO_SIZE_FILE = os.getenv('REPO_SIZE_FILE', '') DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT=int(os.getenv('DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT', '1800')) REPO_STAT = {} def calc_repo_size(path: Path): dbfiles = path.glob('repodata/*primary.*') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: dec = None dbfile = None for db in dbfiles: dbfile = db suffixes = db.suffixes if suffixes[-1] == '.bz2': dec = bz2.decompress suffixes = suffixes[:-1] elif suffixes[-1] == '.gz': dec = gzip.decompress suffixes = suffixes[:-1] elif suffixes[-1] in ('.sqlite', '.xml'): dec = lambda x: x if dec is None: print(f"Failed to read from {path}: {list(dbfiles)}", flush=True) return with db.open('rb') as f: tmp.write(dec(f.read())) tmp.flush() if suffixes[-1] == '.sqlite': conn = sqlite3.connect(tmp.name) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("select sum(size_package),count(1) from packages") size, cnt = c.fetchone() conn.close() elif suffixes[-1] == '.xml': try: tree = ET.parse(tmp.name) root = tree.getroot() assert root.tag.endswith('metadata') cnt, size = 0, 0 for location in root.findall('./{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/common}package/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/common}size'): size = int(location.attrib['package']) cnt = 1 except: traceback.print_exc() return else: print(f"Unknown suffix {suffixes}") return print(f"Repository {path}:") print(f" {cnt} packages, {size} bytes in total", flush=True) global REPO_STAT REPO_STAT[str(path)] = (size, cnt) if cnt > 0 else (0, 0) # size can be None def check_and_download(url: str, dst_file: Path)->int: try: start = time.time() with requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=(5, 10)) as r: r.raise_for_status() if 'last-modified' in r.headers: remote_ts = parsedate_to_datetime( r.headers['last-modified']).timestamp() else: remote_ts = None with dst_file.open('wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024**2): if time.time() - start > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT: raise TimeoutError("Download timeout") if not chunk: continue # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) if remote_ts is not None: os.utime(dst_file, (remote_ts, remote_ts)) return 0 except BaseException as e: print(e, flush=True) if dst_file.is_file(): dst_file.unlink() return 1 def download_repodata(url: str, path: Path) -> int: path = path / "repodata" path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) oldfiles = set(path.glob('*.*')) newfiles = set() if check_and_download(url "/repodata/repomd.xml", path / ".repomd.xml") != 0: print(f"Failed to download the repomd.xml of {url}") return 1 try: tree = ET.parse(path / ".repomd.xml") root = tree.getroot() assert root.tag.endswith('repomd') for location in root.findall('./{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}data/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}location'): href = location.attrib['href'] assert len(href) > 9 and href[:9] == 'repodata/' fn = path / href[9:] newfiles.add(fn) if check_and_download(url '/' href, fn) != 0: print(f"Failed to download the {href}") return 1 except BaseException as e: traceback.print_exc() return 1 (path / ".repomd.xml").rename(path / "repomd.xml") # update the repomd.xml newfiles.add(path / "repomd.xml") for i in (oldfiles - newfiles): print(f"Deleting old files: {i}") i.unlink() def check_args(prop: str, lst: List[str]): for s in lst: if len(s)==0 or ' ' in s: raise ValueError(f"Invalid item in {prop}: {repr(s)}") def substitute_vars(s: str, vardict: Dict[str, str]) -> str: for key, val in vardict.items(): tpl = "@{" key "}" s = s.replace(tpl, val) return s def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("base_url", type=str, help="base URL") parser.add_argument("os_version", type=str, help="e.g. 7-8") parser.add_argument("component", type=str, help="e.g. mysql56-community,mysql57-community") parser.add_argument("arch", type=str, help="e.g. x86_64") parser.add_argument("repo_name", type=str, help="e.g. @{comp}-el@{os_ver}") parser.add_argument("working_dir", type=Path, help="working directory") parser.add_argument("--download-repodata", action='store_true', help='download repodata files instead of generating them') args = parser.parse_args() if '-' in args.os_version: dash = args.os_version.index('-') os_list = [ str(i) for i in range( int(args.os_version[:dash]), 1 int(args.os_version[dash 1:])) ] else: os_list = [args.os_version] check_args("os_version", os_list) component_list = args.component.split(',') check_args("component", component_list) arch_list = args.arch.split(',') check_args("arch", arch_list) failed = [] args.working_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def combination_os_comp(arch: str): for os in os_list: for comp in component_list: vardict = { 'arch': arch, 'os_ver': os, 'comp': comp, } name = substitute_vars(args.repo_name, vardict) url = substitute_vars(args.base_url, vardict) try: probe_url = url ('' if url.endswith('/') else '/') "repodata/repomd.xml" r = requests.head(probe_url, timeout=(7,7)) if r.status_code < 400 or r.status_code == 403: yield (name, url) else: print(probe_url, "->", r.status_code) except: traceback.print_exc() for arch in arch_list: dest_dirs = [] conf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".conf") conf.write(''' [main] keepcache=0 ''') for name, url in combination_os_comp(arch): conf.write(f''' [{name}] name={name} baseurl={url} repo_gpgcheck=0 gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 ''') dst = (args.working_dir / name).absolute() dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_dirs.append(dst) conf.flush() # sp.run(["cat", conf.name]) # sp.run(["ls", "-la", cache_dir]) if len(dest_dirs) == 0: print("Nothing to sync", flush=True) failed.append(('', arch)) continue cmd_args = ["reposync", "-a", arch, "-c", conf.name, "-d", "-p", str(args.working_dir.absolute()), "-e", cache_dir] print("Launching reposync", flush=True) # print(cmd_args) ret = sp.run(cmd_args) if ret.returncode != 0: failed.append((name, arch)) continue for path in dest_dirs: path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if args.download_repodata: download_repodata(url, path) else: cmd_args = ["createrepo", "--update", "-v", "-c", cache_dir, "-o", str(path), str(path)] # print(cmd_args) ret = sp.run(cmd_args) calc_repo_size(path) if len(failed) > 0: print("Failed YUM repos: ", failed) else: if len(REPO_SIZE_FILE) > 0: with open(REPO_SIZE_FILE, "a") as fd: total_size = sum([r[0] for r in REPO_STAT.values()]) fd.write(f" {total_size}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
