1.Salt was so valuable in ancient Rome that soldiers were sometimes paid with it. In fact, the word salary comes from the Latin word sal, for salt. When a soldier was doing a lousy job, his pay check might be cut, which is how we got the expression “not worth his salt.”古罗马时期,盐非常值钱,有时充当士兵的薪水“薪水”一词来自拉丁语“盐”每当士兵不能认真履职,就会被扣工资,所以有“不称职”(不值盐钱)的表述,我来为大家科普一下关于生活中常见的盐知识总结?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



1.Salt was so valuable in ancient Rome that soldiers were sometimes paid with it. In fact, the word salary comes from the Latin word sal, for salt. When a soldier was doing a lousy job, his pay check might be cut, which is how we got the expression “not worth his salt.”古罗马时期,盐非常值钱,有时充当士兵的薪水。“薪水”一词来自拉丁语“盐”。每当士兵不能认真履职,就会被扣工资,所以有“不称职”(不值盐钱)的表述。

2.Salt can still be valuable today. Amethyst Bamboo 9x salt, which rings up at $398 a pound, may be the most expensive in the world. This pricey stuff takes a lot of time to produce—it’s roasted nine times inside a bamboo pole at temperatures exceeding 1,400 degrees F. One store says the resulting delicacy “smells like something dragons use to season their victims befor eeating them.”当今世界,盐仍然价值不菲。每磅398美元的紫竹盐可能是世界上最贵的盐。这种盐需要长时间加工,使用竹筒,在华氏1400度的高温下,长达9次。

3.Historically, salt’s value came from its ability to preserve food. Venice, Italy, may be famous for its canals now, but salt imports fueled its rise as an influential trade power by the end of the 13th century.历史上,盐的价值取决于其保存食物的能力。意大利的威尼斯现在以运河闻名于世,可在13世纪末期,进口盐使意大利成为有影响的贸易国。

4.Salt also took on a great deal of symbolic value. There’s a reason it is mentioned so many times in the Bible(“salt of the earth,” “a pillar of salt,” “a covenant of salt”). Its preservative properties made it an apt metaphor for permanence and conviction.盐也有许多象征价值。比如圣经中提到的“社会中坚”、“不可背弃的盟约”等,都使用“盐”来表述其永久、坚定等象征意义。

5.Most people know about the health risks associated with sodium, but reducing your intake isn’t always easy. More than 75 percent of the sodium Americans eat comes from processed foods; bread, cured meats, and canned soup top the list. Even foods that don’t taste salty may contain it. Instant oatmeal with maple and brown sugar, for instance, contains 170 milligrams of sodium per ounce—a little more than a small bag of potato chips.大多数人知道与钠有关的健康危害,但是,减少摄入量其实并不容易。超过75%的钠来自于加工食品、面包、腌肉、罐头等。

6.Even French fries aren’t necessarily the biggest culprit. A 2012 study that examined sodium levels of fast-food menu items from different countries found that pizza and burgers contained more sodium than french fries, because they come in larger serving sizes.就钠的含量来说,炸薯条并不是罪魁祸首。2012年的一项研究表明,在快餐食品中,披萨和汉堡含钠量比炸薯条的含钠量多,因为,前者的量大一些。

7.Extra salt might be lurking in your meat, even if you cook at home and are very careful. According to the USDA, about 60 percent of all raw meat and poultry products are injected with or soaked in a salty solution. The words enhanced, marinated, basted, or improved on the packaging can signal the presence of salt. To avoid it, opt for label wording such as contains up to 4 percent retained water, says Christy Brissette, RDN, president of 80 Twenty Nutrition.即使你在家小心烹饪,多盐可能存在于肉类。60%的生肉和家禽制品使用盐处理过。

8.Sea salt may sound healthier than table salt, but most sea salts contain roughly the same proportion of sodium—about 40 percent—as table salt. If you are looking for sodium-free flavoring, try garlic, pepper, oregano, sage, rosemary, and other spices or herbs.海盐可能比食盐更健康,但是,海盐仍然含有钠,比例为食盐含钠量的40%。

9.Even if you don’t have hypertension, it’s still a good idea to cut down on your salt intake to reduce your blood pressure, according to a 2017 review of 185 studies.即使你没有高血压,少食盐也会减低你的血压。

10.For older folks especially, a heavy hand with the salt shaker may also hurt your head. A study of 975 people ages 60 to 80 with hypertension found that reducing sodium in their diets was associated with lower risk of headache.对于老年人来说,少摄入钠会降低头疼的风险。

11.Still, we all need at least some salt. It facilitates the transport of nutrients and oxygen, allows nerves to transmit messages, and help sour muscle work. The average adult’s body contains about 250 grams of sodium—the equivalent of about three or four shakers of salt.然而,我们确实也需要盐。(盐是身体的必需)

12.In the 1920s, salt became a primary tool in the fight against goiter,a thyroid disorder caused by iodine deficiency. Iodized salt became common in American kitchens, and cases of goiter nearly disappeared. Today, only about 53 percent of table salt sold through retail is iodized.在20世纪20年代,盐作为战胜甲状腺肿(由缺碘引发的甲状腺疾病)的主要武器。当今碘盐成为日常,甲状腺肿几乎消失殆尽。

13.All that said, the number one use of salt in the United States isn’t on food at all. In 2016, about 44 percent of salt went toward deicing roads, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Only 3 percent was used in agricultural and food processing.在美国,食盐的使用量并不是第一位。2016年,44%的盐被用作道路融雪。只有3%的盐被用于农业或食品加工。
