






From intelligent vehicles to flying cars and robotic unicorns, Xpeng has upheld its vision of exploring technology and leading the future of mobility. It cannot be described just as a carmaker; Xpeng is an explorer of future mobility.



Since its establishment in 2014, Xpeng’s exploration has not stopped and the exploration field has gradually expanded.


At Xpeng’s annual 1024 Tech Day last year, Xpeng cooperated with national universities to launch the first competition themed with exploring future mobility. The X-TID competition aims to explore more possibilities of technologies, products and designs.


Since the launch of the competition, it attracted attention from universities at home and abroad. After several rounds of screening, the organizing committee selected 139 outstanding works from nearly 600 submissions.


The final of the first X-TID competition was held on May 25. The winners of three sectors were the Intelligent Parking Navigation System Based on Mobile Terminal by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the Poko Smart Toy Platform and VOID both by the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. All three teams won prize money of 50,000 yuan each.




At the same time, the "Best Popular Explorer" jointly selected by Xpeng Motors owners, college students and netizens was won by Li Xinyu from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.


His work "VOID" is designed for the ultimate travel experience. VOID takes the meaning of nothingness. What he creates is a space that is difficult to find in daily life. This space can isolate the outside world and let people enjoy the beauty of the moment.


VOID can change the module with the exclusive platform to realize traveling in different regions such as sea, land and air. The designed huge glass cockpit provides passengers with a good view and brings ultimate immersive travel fun. It is expected that such a design will appear in Xpeng's aircraft in the future.





小鹏汽车董事长 CEO何小鹏对获奖选手表示祝贺并表示:“进入大学也意味着即将步入社会,同学们如何能在学习中和进入社会后,通过探索实现自身不同于他人的价值,充分施展才华,让自己的人生更棒更精彩,这便是探索者大赛的目标。

Xpeng President and CEO He Xiaopeng congratulated the winners and said: "Entering university also means entering society. The goal of the competition is making students realize their own value that different from others through exploration and fully display their talents during study and make their lives better and more exciting.


Xpeng Motors will continue to invest in the competition in the future, and I hope more students can develop their creativity and skillfully find the combination of creativity, engineering and technology in real structure, and through the competition, make creativity a reality as soon as possible to benefit society.



In the process of continuous development and exploration, Xpeng has always resonated with the young generation, which gives the brand vitality.


Therefore, Xpeng attaches importance to the inheritance and understanding of the spirit of exploration in the young generation and hopes to find more young people who resonate with this through the competition, so as to provide them with a platform to showcase their talent and the opportunity to realize their dreams.


The competition helps to gather more young explorers, who are taking innovative changes together on the boundaries of science and technology.

