Next friend 诉讼代理人
In common law, a next friend (Law French prochein ami) is a person who represents another person who is under age, or, because of disability or otherwise, is unable to maintain a suit on his or her own behalf and who does not have a legal guardian. They are also known as litigation friends. When a relative who is next of kin acts as a next friend for a person, that person is sometimes instead described as the "natural guardian" of the person. A next friend has full power over the proceedings in the action as if he or she were an ordinary plaintiff, until a guardian or guardian ad litem is appointed in the case; but the next friend is entitled to present evidence only on the same basis as any other witness.(Wikipedia)
Lady's friend 女士之友
The name of a functioner in the British house of commons. When the husband sues for a divorce, or asks the passage of an act to divorce him from his wife, he is required to make a provision for her before the passage of the act; it is the duty of the lady's friend to see that such a provision is made. Macq. on H. & W. 213.(https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com)
〈英〉(古)英国下议院所设的一种官职,其职责在于保障其丈夫通过议会特别立法而离婚的妻子正当的生活必需。1875年,法律废除了议会离婚制〔parliamentary divorces〕和女士之友的职位。(《元照英美法词典》)
PS:parliamentary divorces
By the late sixteenth century, England stood out as the only Protestant country without some form of legalised divorce. The reasons lay partly in the torturous path by which it moved from the Catholic into the Protestant camp, in disputes among the English Protestants about which new divorce code to adopt, and in the sensitivities towards marriage of Queen Elizabeth. Parliamentary divorces started in the 1690s as a series of individual exceptions to the principle of the indissolubility of marriage. The divorce became a convenient collusive agreement between a rich husband and his wife in order to remarry, the objective being the pursuit of happiness and the replacement of lost marital comfort.
Friend of the court
Friend of the court即amicus curiae <拉>法院之友
one (such as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question(https://www.merriam-webster.com)
Alien friend 友国人;友国侨民
A foreign national coming from a country at peace with his or her country of residence.(https://www.lexico.com/)