Hi 大家好,欢迎来到MIA的英文课堂~,我来为大家科普一下关于你家裤子用英语怎么说?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!
Hi 大家好,欢迎来到MIA的英文课堂~
turn heads
英英释义:it means to be so beautiful, unusual, or impressive as to attract a lot of attention. 非常漂亮、不寻常、让人印象深刻,所以吸引到很多人注意。
Wanna see some examples?
If you're really looking to turn heads at the party, a pair of sexy high heels is a must! 如果你想成为整个聚会上最靓的仔,一双性感高跟是必须的。注意:如果非要表达汉语里“这条街”这个含义,也可以说 turn head on the street.
Jili's new car really turned heads at the auto show. 吉利的新款汽车在车展上相当吸睛。
(前面两个例子都是褒义的,这个词其实也可以用作贬义)The popstar recently turned heads with a nude scene. 这个明星最近因为一场裸戏赚足了眼球。
【Let's Talk】
What kinda outfits would you put on if you look to turn heads at a party? Leave a comment down below. I'd love to hear from you :)