绿色2022:及时发挥创造力并采取行动Going Green in 2022: It’s Time to Get creative and Take Initiative

Bill Kleyman | NOV 17, 2021

译 者 说


围绕 ESG 的新讨论、围绕水资源回收的新兴解决方案、以及大规模可再生能源项目,所有这些都围绕着一个蓄势待发的行业。这个行业发展有多快?让我们正确地看待这个问题。

New discussions around ESG, emerging solutions around water reclamation, massive renewable energy projects, and all of this surround an industry poised to grow. How fast is this industry growing?Let me put this in perspective. In a single day, we saw two of the industry’s largest mergers and acquisitions happen.


在同一天内,我们看到了行业内最大的两起并购事件。日前(2021年11月15日),American Tower宣布 以 101 亿美元收购数据中心开发商 CoreSite,正式进入数据中心行业。这是当时最大的一笔收购。这个记录保持了多久呢?不到一天。当天上午晚些时候,投资巨头 KKR和Global Infrastructure Partners宣布,他们将以 150 亿美元的价格收购数据中心开发商 CyrusOne,将公司私有化,并成为有史以来最大的数据中心交易。

A couple of days ago, American Tower Corporation announced that it would buy data center developer CoreSite for $10.1 billion, making a bold move into the data center business. It was the largest acquisition at the time. How long did that record hold? Less than a day. Later that same morning, investment giants KKR and Global Infrastructure Partners announced that they would acquire data center developer CyrusOne for $15 billion, taking the company private and becoming the largest data center deals of all time.


让我们澄清一件事……这不仅仅是书面或营销材料。这些并购旨在重塑数字基础设施行业,因此聚焦于可再生能源和改善数据中心运营成为重中之重。可持续发展相关的金融业务是数据中心发展的下一个前沿领域,它精确地针对我们行业的气候责任和应对措施。《数据中心前沿-DCF》最近的一篇文章特别提到投资者将成为绿色能源革命的一部分,因为他们寻求使其投资组合和气候改善大方向保持一致。投资者对可持续发展权的胃口越来越大,驱使未来将有更多的绿色环保相关的融资交易。根据Morningstar公司统计,2020 年全球推出了 76 只新的气候相关的基金,目前全球共有 400 多只以气候变化为关键主题的共同基金和ETF(交易所交易基金)。

Let’s be clear about one thing … this isn’t paperware or marketing material any longer. As these mergers aim to reshape the digital infrastructure industry, focusing on renewable energy and improving data center operations takes front and center. Sustainable finance is the next frontier in data center development, which takes precise aim at our industry’s climate responsibilities and responses. A recent post from Data Center Frontier notes that investors will be part of the green energy revolution as they seek to align their portfolios with climate resilience. There will be more green funding deals in the future, driven by investors’ growing appetite for sustainable options. According to Morningstar, 76 new climate-aware funds were launched globally in 2020, which now tracks more than 400 mutual funds and exchange-traded funds globally that have climate change as a critical theme.

“可持续发展相关债务今年可能会创新高,”标准普尔旗下负责评估企业气候变化风险的部门 Trucost 的CEO查德·马蒂森博士说:“今年,我们预计将涌现出更多以可持续发展和绿色成果为目标的基金。大多数金融机构都认为:投资者将资金投向何处将导致资本市场发生巨大变化。”

“Sustainable debt is likely to go through the roof this year,” said Dr. Richard Mattison, the CEO of Trucost, a unit of S&P that assesses corporate risk from climate change. “This year, we expect to see many more funds springing up targeted at Sustainability and green outcomes. Where investors want to put their money is going to lead to a huge change in capital markets, and most financial institutions recognize that.”


Sustainability is a growing priority for infrastructure funds, which have become one of the most important investor classes in the data center sector.

“基础设施基金是明显关注 ESG 和可持续发展的,”可持续发展金融领域的早期领导者 ING Capital 的 TMT(技术、媒体、电信)负责人 Pim Rothweiler 表示。

“Infrastructure funds are clearly focused on ESG and sustainability,” said Pim Rothweiler, head of TMT (Tech, Media, Telco) at ING Capital, an early leader in sustainable finance.

理查德马蒂森博士(Dr. Richard Mattison)还指出了另一个关键点:“我们正处于历史上最大的财富转移之中。” 他估计,年轻的美国人将继承 24 万亿至 68 万亿美元的财富。

Dr. Richard Mattison also noted another critical point: “We are sitting in the middle of the largest wealth transfer in history.” He estimates that younger Americans will inherit between $24 trillion and $68 trillion in wealth.


“The majority of millennials would prefer to make sure their investments have some kind of positive impact. We will have heightened disclosure requirements to prove your fund is green and to make sure that the companies you invest in are green.”As a millennial, I agree. This is important.


So now what? We know that industries follow the direction of investments. This means that the digital infrastructure industry is about to get a whole lot more funding for green technologies. And, that gives us the unparalleled opportunity to be exceedingly creative.


Going Green: Reaching Real Sustainability Goals

《华尔街日报》最近的一篇文章指出,为了满足全球能源需求和气候控制目标,到 2030 年,对清洁能源的投资将从今年的 1.1 万亿美元左右增长到每年 3.4 万亿美元。这些投资将推动技术进步、传输和储能等方面发展。

A recent WSJ article noted that to meet global energy demand and climate aspirations, investments in clean energy would need to grow from around $1.1 trillion this year to $3.4 trillion a year until 2030. The investment would advance technology, transmission, and storage, among other things.

国际能源署(IEA)的报告称:“目前全球在能源领域的投资不足以满足其未来的需求,并且政策和需求的不确定性,给能源市场的将来带来了大幅波动的巨大风险。” IEA 报告还补充道:日益增长对可再生能源的需要大大增加其他行业的支出,例如采矿、生产和提炼风机、太阳能电池组和市电规模电池储能所需的原材料。

“The world isn’t investing enough to meet its future energy needs, and uncertainties over policies and demand trajectories create a strong risk of a volatile period ahead for energy markets,” the IEA report said. It added that ramping up renewables would require greatly enhanced spending in other sectors, such as mining, to produce and refine the raw materials needed for wind turbines, solar arrays, and utility-scale battery storage.

虽然我们还没有完全做到这一点,但我们正在取得进展。在政府补贴和减少使用煤炭(污染最严重的化石燃料)等政策的帮助下,绿色能源在美国和欧洲获得了相应的市场份额。2019 年,在新冠疫情开始之前这一年, 美国自 1885 年以来可再生能源消耗首次超过煤炭。

Although we’re not quite there yet, we are making progress. Greener sources have gained market share in the U.S. and Europe, aided by government subsidies and other policies to reduce the use of coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel. In 2019, before the onset of the pandemic, the U.S. consumed more renewable energy than coal for the first time since 1885.

是时候对化石燃料说再见了吗?是的,我们已经开始了这个过程,但可能需要一点时间。“我们正在开始漫长的告别,” IHS Markit的策略师 Bob Fryklund 表示 。

Is it time to say so long to fossil fuels? Well, we’ve begun this process, but it might take a little while. “We’re starting the long, long goodbye,” states Bob Fryklund, a strategist at IHS Markit.


As a part of this ‘long goodbye,’ we’re seeing the private sector move beyond government regulations and waiting for new legislation to pass. Today, leaders are creating green technologies that will drive a more sustainable digital future. Here are some creative examples to get excited about:

Dominion Energy 的弗吉尼亚沿海海上风电项目。2021年7 月,Dominion Energy宣布了一项非凡的项目。拟建的2.6GW弗吉尼亚海上风电 (CVOW) 商业项目将成为美国最大的海上风电场。美国参议员蒂姆凯恩 (D-VA) 表示:“我很高兴看到这个项目已经开始推进,因为这是朝着清洁能源经济迈出的激动人心的一步,他将为本州创造良好的就业机会。” “我将继续推动弗吉尼亚州的清洁能源投资,以促进我们的经济并建立一个更加可持续发展的未来。”

Dominion Energy’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project. In July, Dominion Energy announced an extraordinary project. The proposed 2.6-gigawatt Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) commercial project will be the largest planned offshore wind farm in the United States. “I’m thrilled to see this project underway as it’s an exciting step toward a clean energy economy that creates good jobs in the Commonwealth,” said U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA). “I will keep pushing for clean energy investments in Virginia to boost our economy and build a more sustainable future.”

Switch 的区域水改善管道项目。内华达州太阳能资源丰富,但水资源稀缺。州长史蒂夫·西索拉克 (Steve Sisolak)和特路鲁基河地区各地领导一起举行了区域供水改善管道项目开工建设庆祝仪式。这条 16 英里长的管道将从斯帕克斯的特拉基梅多斯水回收设施 (TMWRF) 输送 4,000 英亩呎(约493万立方米)的处理过的污水到塔霍里诺工业中心 (TRI Center)。该项目由TRI Center和 Switch牵头,是内华达州历史上第一个获得内华达州北部各市政当局和机构支持的区域公私合作项目。合作伙伴包括内华达州、里诺市、斯帕克斯市、华舒县、斯托里县和特拉基梅多斯水务局,以及一些著名的私营合作伙伴,如主开发商TRI Center 、Switch和其他领先的技术公司。Farr West Engineering负责施工管理。Switch在Citadel园区运营一个 130 万平方英尺的数据中心。并且Switch计划未来建设高达 720 万平方英尺的IT 容量和 650 兆瓦的总电力容量的数据中心。该管道2023 年第一季度完工后,将满足园区所有用水需求。

Switch’s Regional Water Improvement Pipeline Project. There’s a lot of sunshine in Nevada, but not a lot of water. Governor Steve Sisolak joined leaders from every local government in the Truckee River region to celebrate the commencement of the construction of the Regional Water Improvement Pipeline Project. The sixteen-mile pipeline will deliver 4,000 acre-feet of treated effluent water from Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) in Sparks to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRI Center). The project led by TRI Center and Switch is the first regional public-private partnership in Nevada history to engage the support of each municipality and agency in Northern Nevada. Partners include the State of Nevada, City of Reno, City of Sparks, Washoe County, Storey County and Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and several prominent private sector partners such as the Master Developer of TRI Center Switch and other leading technology companies. Farr West Engineering is the construction manager for the project. Switch operates a 1.3 million square foot data center at the Citadel campus. The company intends to build up to 7.2 million square feet of IT capacity and a total power capacity of 650 megawatts. The pipeline will support all of the water requirements at the campus when it is completed in the first quarter of 2023.

Equinix 的绿色金融框架。Equinix 在 2 月份推出了 11 亿欧元的绿色债券,并将使用所得款项投资绿色能源项目,以支持公司的数据中心布局。这些票据的平均利息成本为 0.66%,与该公司现有的欧元计价票据相比,成本降低了 2.215%。通过使用绿色债券为其用于绿色能源收购的信贷额度再融资,Equinix节省了 1110 万欧元。

Equinix’s Green Finance Framework. Equinix sold 1.1 billion Euro in green bonds in February and will use the proceeds to fund green energy projects to support the company’s data center footprint. The notes have an average interest cost of 0.66 percent, representing a 2.215 percent reduction in cost compared to the company’s existing Euro-denominated notes. By using the green bond to refinance the credit line it used for green energy acquisitions, Equinix realized 11.1 million Euro in savings.

这是继 2020 年 9 月发行 13.5 亿美元的绿色债券后,该公司的第二只绿色债券。Equinix 已根据绿色债券原则制定了绿色金融框架,这是一套促进绿色债务披露透明度的准则。

This was the company’s second green bond, following a $1.35 billion green bond in September 2020. Equinix has developed a Green Finance Framework based on the Green Bond Principles, a set of guidelines that promote transparency in green debt disclosures.


Switch GW 1号(Switch Gigawatt 1):世界上最大的用户侧太阳能发电项目。这是Switch 和Capital Dynamics 宣布在内华达州的三个突破性项目之一,将延续 Switch 创始人兼首席执行官 Rob Roy 的早期发布的Gigawatt Nevada 太阳能发电和储能愿景,作为业内最大的太阳能布局和储能项目来开发。随着克拉克县和斯托里县的这些新突破,加上最初的城镇开发,Gigawatt 1 很快将使用最新的First Solar 电池板产生总计 555 MW 的太阳能,并利用特斯拉的大规模能源存储技术(Tesla Megapack)建造800 MWh的电池储能。此外,斯托里县的项目还将是全球最大的用户侧太阳能发电项目,单场地具备127MW发电功率,包括一个 24MWh的电池储能系统。用户侧节能项目在公共电网之外发电,不会对传统公用事业生产造成负担。

Switch Gigawatt 1: The World’s Largest Behind-the-meter Solar Project. Switch, and Capital Dynamics announced three ground-breakings in Nevada, which, along with an earlier phase, will continue Switch Founder and CEO Rob Roy’s Gigawatt Nevada solar energy and battery vision to develop one of the largest solar footprint and battery storage projects in the technology industry. With these new ground-breakings in Clark and Storey counties, plus the original Townsite development, Gigawatt 1 will soon generate a total of 555 MW of solar power using the latest First Solar panels and create 800 MW hours of battery storage leveraging Tesla Megapack technologies. Additionally, the Storey County location will be the largest behind-the-meter solar project globally, producing 127MW and including a 240 MW hour battery storage system. Behind-the-meter projects generate power off the public grid, placing no burden on legacy public utility production.

日本:漂浮太阳能电池板的世界领先者。世界经济论坛最近的一篇文章说得最好:当您将所有土地用在农业和住房时,在哪里建太阳能光伏板呢?在水里去建!世界上第一座漂浮式太阳能发电厂建于日本本州中部的爱知县。日本在许多内陆湖泊和水库都建了漂浮太阳能发电厂,他们拥有世界上 100 座最大的漂浮太阳能发电厂中的 73 座,且占总容量246MW的一半。日本最大的漂浮太阳能发电厂位于千叶县市原的山仓大坝后面。它占地18公顷,可为近5000户家庭供电,每年可减少8000 多吨二氧化碳排放。

Japan: The World Leader in Floating Solar Panels. A recent post from the World Economic Forum puts it best … How do you increase your solar energy output when you need all your land for agriculture and housing? Take to the water. The world’s first floating solar plant was built in Japan, in Aichi Prefecture in central Honshu. The country’s many inland lakes and reservoirs are now home to 73 of the world’s 100 largest floating solar plants and account for half of those plants’ 246 megawatts of solar capacity. The biggest Japanese floating solar plant sits behind the Yamakura Dam at Ichihara in Chiba Prefecture. It covers 18 hectares, can power nearly 5,000 homes, and saves more than 8,000 tonnes of CO2 a year.

微软的海底数据中心。 2018 年春季,微软的 Project Natick团队将Northern Isles数据张洪新部署在117英尺深的海底。在接下来的几年里,研究人员和技术人员团队积极监控、测试并开始更好地了解这些在水下数据中心的服务器性能和可靠性。

Microsoft’s Data Center Beneath the Sea. Microsoft’s Project Natick team deployed the Northern Isles datacenter117 feet deep to the seafloor in spring 2018. For the next couple of years, the team of researchers and technologists actively monitored, tested, and began to understand better the data center’s servers’ performance and reliability, but underwater.

关于水下基础设施的想法认为海底的密封容器可以提高数据中心的整体可靠性。把系统拉出来之后,微软的研究结果是什么呢?就是水下数据中心非常实用、高度可靠、非常节能,而且是可持续发展的。采用了100% 的本地生产的可再生能源,包括来自于陆上风能和太阳能、海上潮汐和海浪,微软发现Natick Northern Isles数据中心的服务器的故障率是陆基数据中心的 1/8。此外,计划的无需维护的运行时间为五年。

The idea with this submerged infrastructure was that a sealed container on the ocean floor could improve data centers’ overall reliability. After pulling the system out, what did Microsoft learn? Underwater data centers can be very practical, highly reliable, and exceedingly energy-efficient, and sustainable. Leveraging 100% locally produced renewable electricity from on-shore wind and solar, offshore tide, and wave, Microsoft found that the servers in Natick Northern Isles showed a failure rate of 1/8th that of our land-based control group. Further, the planned length of operation without maintenance is five years.

Azure 任务系统副总裁 William Chappell 说:“我们正在全球范围内使用大大小小的边缘设备。” “学会如何使数据中心充分可靠到不需要人工干预是我们的梦想。”

“We are populating the globe with edge devices, large and small,” said William Chappell, vice president of mission systems for Azure. “To learn how to make data centers reliable enough not to need human touch is a dream of ours.”

潮汐涡轮机发电。这个非常令人兴奋。一台重达680吨、被称为“世界上最强大”的潮汐涡轮机已在位于苏格兰大陆北部群岛奥克尼岛的欧洲海洋能源中心开始并网发电。在最近的一份声明中,苏格兰工程公司 Orbital Marine Power 解释了其 2MW的O2涡轮机是如何固定在名为“Fall of Warness”的水域中、并通过海底电缆将其连接到当地的陆上电网的。该公司表示,预计这台74米长的涡轮机将“在未来15年在奥克尼群岛附近的水域运行”,并且“有能力满足大约 2,000 个英国家庭的年用电量”。

The Power of the Tidal Turbine. This one is super exciting. A tidal turbine weighing 680 metric tons and dubbed “the world’s most powerful” has started grid-connected power generation at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, an archipelago located north of mainland Scotland. In a recent announcement, Scottish engineering firm Orbital Marine Power explained how its 2-megawatt O2 turbine had been anchored in a body of water called the Fall of Warness, with a subsea cable linking it to a local electricity network on land. It’s expected that the turbine, which is 74 meters long, will “operate in the waters off Orkney for the next 15 years,” the company said, and have “the capacity to meet the annual electricity demand of around 2,000 UK homes.”


核电数据中心。最近的DCD帖子讨论了Rolls-Royce计划如何向美国的云计算运营商提供小型核反应堆,以便他们的超大规模数据中心可以实现净零碳排放并且可以离网运行。小型模块化核反应堆 (SMR) 正在由以Rolls-Royce为首的联盟开发。它可为需要稳定低碳能源供应的数据中心或其他基础设施供电,而当地电网一般是不能提供这类低碳能源的。

The Nuclear-Power Data Center.A recent DCD post discusses how Rolls-Royce plans to offer small nuclear reactors to US-based cloud operators so their hyperscale data centers can have net-zero emissions and be independent of the electric grid. Small modular reactors (SMRs) are under development by a consortium led by Rolls-Royce. They could potentially power data centers or other infrastructure that needs a steady low-carbon energy supply, which may not be available from the local electricity grid.


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