什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(1)

昨天的课上我们的外教 Lawrence 跟大家分享了他学习中文的经历,其中有一句话他是这么说的“After two years of taught myself Chinese in America, it's never really turned the corner until I came to live in China.”相信大家都能看懂这位老外为了学中文也是够拼的,自己个儿先在美国闷头儿自学了两年中文,但苦于没有语言环境一直都没啥进步,所以为了学好中文才来的中国。

什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(2)

上面这句话里有一个关键短语——"turn the corner", 大家可千万别从字面上理解为"拐过弯儿去"哈,其实仔细品一下就能明白它背后的含义了,就是"渡过难关、出现转机"的意思啦,这个短语就有点儿像咱们中文里“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的韵味儿,你想啊,一直被眼前的困境所缠绕,突然发现拐过弯儿去之后,一切都转危为安了。所以他上面那句话是在说"我在美国自学了两年中文,但一直学得不怎么样,直到来到中国生活以后才真正才有了突破。"

什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(3)

turn the corner

好转;渡过难关;转危为安; 出现转机,实现突破

【En】If a situation turns the corner, to start to improve after going through a difficult period or experience. 如果一种情况出现转机,说明它在经历一段困难时期或经历后开始改善。to get safely past the critical point. 安全通过临界点。to begin to recover from a serious illness or a difficult situation. 开始从严重的疾病或困难的情况中恢复过来。to begin to find success or improvement after a particularly difficult or troubling period. 在经过特别困难或麻烦的时期后开始发现成功或进步。

什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(4)

【Scenario Listening 场景听力】

● The manager of the hotel chain claims that they have turned the corner.


● Yeah, they have been getting better. Hopefully 2014 will be the year that they turn the corner.


● Joe spent two years studying Chinese in America, but he never really turned the corner until he went to live in China.


● But it really turned the corner recently.


什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(5)

【Scenario Example 场景示例】

● I hope we have turned the corner.


● The doctors say she's turned the corner now. She should be out of hospital soon.


● The economy may well have turned the corner by the next election.


● The project has turned the corner. The rest should be easy.


● A superior actor might have turned the corner on this film.


什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(6)

● Even Sandie looks as if she might have turned the corner.


● Now that we're beginning to pay back the money we owe, I feel we've turned the corner.


● The patient turned the corner last night. She should begin to show improvement now.


● It's been a nasty, long illness but I think he's finally turned the corner.


什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(7)

● Has California's economy finally turned the corner? In April the official figure for the state's unemployment rate dropped for the second month running.


● Their new startup took a couple of years to get going, but they turned the corner when their product was featured in a high-profile tech magazine.


● At last, Joe turned the corner.

最后,Joe 终于渡过了难关。

什么情况需要加the way(Ihopeto)(8)
