

1月30日,在北京朝阳区街头,外卖员戴着口罩送餐。(中国日报记者 张威 摄)

The guideline clarified labor relations requirements, break arrangements and social insurance for people doing flexible jobs.



移动互联网(mobile internet)时代,越来越多人的工作任务来自手机,就业形态也发生了新变化,出现了由互联网平台作为劳动力资源组织方,将劳动者和消费者直接对接的新就业形态(new employment model connecting workers with consumers directly)。外卖送餐员、快递配送员、网约车驾驶员、互联网营销师等都属于新就业形态。鉴于新就业形态劳动用工去雇主化、劳动关系灵活化(flexible labor relations)的特点,劳动者大部分是灵活就业人员,与从业单位之间属于非稳定劳动关系。



Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work. The food delivery workers' income should not be less than the locality's lowest wage standard.外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

The algorithms used to send orders to delivery workers and time limits for food delivery cannot be used as assessment criteria. Food delivery platforms are expected to relax delivery time limits.




There are over 3.51 million licensed ride-hailing drivers serving 236 platforms nationwide.目前全国共有236家网约车平台企业,取得许可的网约车驾驶员超过351万人。

Some ride-hailing applications had encroached on drivers' rights by collecting high commissions, meaning they have to work longer to maintain their incomes.



commission这个词,常见的意思是“委员会”,比如:中央全面依法治国委员会(the Commission for Law-based Governance under the CPC Central Committee),中央纪律检查委员会(the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection),国家卫生健康委员会(National Health Commission)等,但是在本文的语境中,commission指的是“a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service,especially a percentage of the money received from a total paid to the agent responsible for the business”(代理人或员工完成一项交易或服务后收取的费用,尤指从整个交易费用中划出的一定比例的金钱收入),也就是“佣金,提成,抽成”等,比如:He gets a commission for each car he sells(他每卖掉一辆车就有一份提成收入)。

The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms' responsibilities to the drivers they employ.



The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing, food delivery, and instant delivery platform enterprises.我国将以出行、外卖、即时配送等行业的平台企业为重点,组织开展平台灵活就业人员职业伤害保障试点。


多层次社会保障体系 multi-tiered social security system

快递员 deliveryman/courier

货到付款(到付) cash on delivery

保价 parcel insurance, value insurance

商贸物流 logistics network for commercial services and international trade

新型消费模式 new types of consumption


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

