开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(1)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(2)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(3)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(4)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(5)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(6)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(7)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(8)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(9)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(10)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(11)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(12)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(13)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(14)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(15)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(16)

开学第一天激动的心颤抖的手 新的一月已开启(17)

开学第92天: 新的一月已开启 时间飞速师生急

2021-12-01 Wednesday周三Sunny晴Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down. —Charles Kettering继续向前,你将碰到你想要的东西,可能在你最不预期的时刻。 我从没听过有人坐着碰到想要的东西。—查尔斯‧凯特灵

Charles Kettering was an American inventor who held 140 patents and was head of research and development at General Motors for 27 years from 1920 to 1947. 查尔斯‧凯特灵为美国发明家,拥有140项专利,在1920-1947年间担任General Motors(通用汽车)研发部负责人长达27年。词汇注释:chances /tʃɑnsiz/ n. 机会;可能性;vi. 偶然发生,碰巧;vt. 冒……的险;(chance 的复数形式);stumble /ˈstʌmbl/ v. 绊脚,绊跌;蹒跚而行;结结巴巴地说;偶然发现;出差错;使……困惑;n. 绊倒;跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚而行;错误,差错(stumbling为其现在分词);perhaps /pərˈhæps/adv. 或许;(表示不确定)也许;可能n. 假定;猜想;未定之事;least /liːst/ adj. 最小的;最少的(little 的最高级)adv. 最小;最少n. 最小;最少。expecting /ɪkˈspektɪŋ/ v. 期待;预计;指望;认为;(expect的现在分词)。We didn't travel much during the holiday,in part because of the tight budget, but also because of the huge crowds.我们在假期不怎么旅行,部分原因是由于预算紧张,也由于假期人很多。词组辨析in turn 意为“轮流”:The host filled the guests' glasses in turn. 主人以次给来宾斟酒。in vain 意为“白费的,徒劳的”:They tried in vain to persuade her to go. 他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。in part 意为“部分地,某种程度上”:The accident was due in part to carelessness. 这次事故在某种程度上是粗心造成的。in effect 意为“实际上”:The two expressions are, in effect, identical.这两种说法实际上一模一样。类似其他的表达还有:in practice;as a matter of fact;actually;in fact;in reality;in truth等。图书馆相关的英文表达:category种类;catalogue目录;brochure手册;album纪念册;prospectus(学校的)简章;pamphlet小册子;periodical(学术性的)期刊;monthly 月刊;quarterly季刊;bound volume合订本;pocket book袖珍书;newspaper clipping剪报。今天值日报告的Starry同学在前台说的是:You are today where your thoughts have brought you: you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. 你的思维把你带到今天的位置,你的明天也将取决于今天的思维。同学们准备的是:In a society where people are under a lot of pressure, sleep problems have become very common. That is the reason why World Sleep Day is celebrated every year on Friday of the second full week of March. Its aims are to make people understand the importance of good and healthy sleep and to draw society’s attention to sleep problems. It is a time when people have discussions and give talks about the importance of healthy sleep. 有Minister同学负责明天的值日小演说。

昨天课堂上除了Inscription同学的精彩表现,让我们大家记住了wisdom和confidence这两个词汇,同时值得表扬的还有Jade同学,因为当我提到早餐时一位女生正要把咬了一口的red date cake扔掉时,被我拦了下来。然后在办公室和同事分享crispy Chinese dates后出门时,due to carelessness, my right sleeve of the leather jacket was caught by the door knob, fortunately, I found a roll of packaging tape and Ms Gentle helped me paste it from inside, in her opinion it’s fashionable, which reminds me of another jacket made in Korea, Warrior immediately connect with career. homonym /ˈhɒmənɪm/同音异义词;homophone /ˈhɒməfəʊn/ 同音异形异义字,这三位同学都应该奖励一下,还有两位同学昨天下午的大课间,在记忆词汇的时候,标满的注释还有两位提出问题的同学,也一并奖励mini sugar-coated hawthorn on sticks;同学们在阅读的时候,当发现文中的经典台词时,可以将其抄下,最好能将其声情并茂表达出来。What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!人类是一件了不起的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪表!多么文雅的举动!在行为上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么像一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长!This is a reversal of the confusion of the times, alas, the luck I have to take responsibility for restructuring the course of events!这是一个倒霉混乱的时代,唉,倒霉的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任。

在综合技能训练学习的过程中,指导同学们掌握:Plastic surgery: beauty or beast?

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular these days. Plastic surgery might help people feel good about themselves sometimes, but its negative consequences outweigh its benefits. I think people should never have plastic surgery.

First, people do not always get satisfactory results from plastic surgery. Nowadays more and more people have to go back under the knife because the first surgery was not what they wanted. No one can make sure that the result of plastic surgery will be exactly what the patient expected.

In addition, plastic surgery can be dangerous. Some people suffer terrible pain and have serious health problems after surgery. People should not risk their health to change their physical appearance. The problem is often the negative self-image in their mind, rather than anything wrong with their body. Instead of surgery, they should first try safer methods to improve their body image, such as having a healthier lifestyle.

Moreover, people may get addicted to plastic surgery. People have plastic surgery because they want to improve their appearance. However, there is no perfection. People who undergo plastic surgery once tend to get more operations to change other parts of their body afterwards.

中午派驻刘老师问及各班参加艺术团活动的同学名单。昨天晚上已经填好上报,只是班级有些同学将所在的新疆2班写成了1班。下午的听力训练,同学们听得十分认真,Yale同学仅错了一处。随后跑操的时候,Birch同学将周报阅读理解篇有疑问的地方提了出来,稍加指点,就明白原因及答案的出处。特别是文中提及的两个玩股票的少年,一个11岁,一个13岁,而且要在18之前成为百万富翁,可能是他们的行为超出了我们的认知。所以他们母亲对两个孩子的看法,既是创业者,也是未脱稚气的孩子。还有一篇说的是艺术家作品在线展览;同时还问到一篇语法填空,凡是不给词的地方,通常用冠词和介词,所给的动词通常用第三人称单数、过去式、带to 或不带to的不定式、过去分词、现在分词,但文中开头用的“以...为例”,Take something as an example, I ....让其一下误入常见的圈套。还有Dorothy同学母亲来信息告知为其买的棉鞋已到学校门口,通知听力过后立马取回,并告知其家长。
