



FIDIC合同一直是众多国家和多边银行经常使用的国际工程承包合同范本。特别是中国工程承包商常见的《施工合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Construction),简称“新红皮书”。该文件推荐用于由雇主或其代表——工程师设计的建筑或工程项目,主要用于单价合同。在这种合同形式下,通常由工程师负责监理,由承包商按照雇主提供的设计施工,但也可以包含由承包商设计的土木、机械、电气和构筑物的某些部分。


FIDIC Conditions of Contract For CONSTRUCTION for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer First Edition 1999

首先是第一章 总则

GCC Sub-Clause 1 General Provisions


Clause 1 sets out many of the boilerplate clauses within the Contract and provides a number of definitions which are used thereafter. The Clause has been substantially changed from the Red Book 4th edn with a raft of new clauses added.

Sub-Clause 1.3 deals with communications and states that approvals, certificates, consents and determinations shall not be unreasonable withheld or delayed.

The assignment provisions in Sub-Clause 1.7 have now changed so that restriction on assignment applies to both the Contractor and Employer.

Delayed Drawings and Instructions is dealt with at Sub-Clause 1.9. This was previously dealt with at Clause 6.4 of the Red Book 4th edn and it is unclear why such an important provision has now been rolled up in the General Provisions clause.

Sub-Clause 1.1 Definitions


The definitions appear throughout FIDIC 1999. The definitions are important with regard to the Parties’ obligations, insurance and ownership rights. The purpose of the definitions section is to ensure that there is consistency in the interpretation of the obligations of the parties.

The introductory words of the definition section state that words indicating persons or parties include corporations or other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise. The main significance of this change is that the Engineer can now be a company.

Sub-Clause 1.1.1 – The Contract


“Contract” – the definition lists the different documentation making up the Contract in the same order as the order of the priority of documents contained at Sub-Clause 1.5. There is also provision for further documentation to make up the Contract, as further documents can be included in either the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance. FIDIC中合同的概念并不是那简单几页Contract Agreement,而非包含了技术规范、图纸和合同条件等所有内容的宽泛概念。可以简单理解为,所有签字盖章的文件综合。


“Contract Agreement” – an example of the Contract Agreement is contained within the Forms, found at the end of FIDIC 1999. The Contract Agreement can also include further documentation which will then form part of the Contract and therefore it is important that any further documentation is recorded correctly and easily identifiable. The use of the words “if any” within the definition reflects the fact that the Parties, naturally, may opt out of the need for a Contract Agreement should they wish. The Contract Agreement is reviewed in greater detail within the commentary on Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].


“Letter of Acceptance” – the Letter of Acceptance will only be construed as an acceptance if it is accepting the Letter of Tender and is signed by the Employer. As with most signed documents one must undertake some due diligence to ensure that who is signing the document on behalf of the Employer has the authority to do so. “It is important to ensure that the Letter of Acceptance matches the tender or, if there have been subsequent negotiations, an amended version of that tender. Otherwise, the Letter of Acceptance would be more like a counter-offer which would require a further acceptance from the Contractor before a contract was formed”

The importance of the drafting of the Letter of Acceptance is further heightened by the fact that it is second only to the Contract Agreement in the priority of documents contained at Sub-Clause 1.5. The Contract Agreement should be reviewed in detail to make sure that it does not change any of the terms and conditions contained in the Letter of Acceptance (unless of course this is the intention) as if there is any discrepancy between the 2 documents the Contract Agreement will take priority.

The Letter of acceptance also acts as a trigger for the timings of certain activities. These are as follows:

Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement] – the Contract Agreement must be entered into within 28 days after the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance

Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security] – the Contractor shall deliver the Performance Security to the Employer within 28 days after receiving the Letter of Acceptance

Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Work] – unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions the Commencement Date shall be within 42 days after the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance

Sub-Clause 14.7 [Payment] – the Employer shall pay to the Contractor the first instalment of the advance payment within 42 days after issuing the Letter of Acceptance or within 21 days after receiving the documents in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security] and Sub-Clause 4.2 [Advance Payment], whichever is the later.

Three of the four timings referred to above are dependent upon receipt of the Letter of Acceptance by the Contractor, perhaps a slightly trivial point but the Employer should most certainly ensure that the Contractor acknowledges receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, so that there are no arguments as to the date of receipt which will in turn affect the timings referred to above.

