


321 ever [ˈevə] ad.在任何时候,从来322 least [li:st] a./ ad.[1ittle的最高级]最少(小;不的)323 probable [ˈprɔbəbəl] a.很可能的,大概的324 understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到;谅解;听说;认为325 reach [ri:tʃ] vt.达到;伸手;达成 n.理解力[ pl.]流域326 effect [iˈfekt] n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物 vt.实现,引起327 different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;个别的,另外的;各种的328 idea [aiˈdiə] n.想法,主意;思想,概念329 whole [həul] a.全部的;完整的,无缺的 n.全部,整体330 control [kənˈtrəul] n.控制;自制;操纵装置 vt.控制;克制


321 ever [ˈevə] ad.在任何时候,从来

Don't you ever get tired? 你从来不觉得累吗?


tired 累

get tired 觉得累

you get tired 你觉得累

do you get tired? 你觉得累吗?

don't you get tired? 你不觉得累吗?

don't you ever get tired? 你从来不觉得累吗?


怎么样?这么看起来是不是就轻松掌握的ever 这个词的用法以及有它和没它的差别?​[机智][机智][机智]

322 least [li:st] a./ ad. little的最高级]最少(小;不的)

How others see me is the least of my worries! 别人怎么看我也一点都不在乎。


others 别人

others see me 别人看我

how others see me 别人怎么看我

how others see me is my worry 我在乎别人怎么看我

how others see me is the lease of my worries 我一点儿都不在乎别人怎么看我


323 probable [ˈprɔbəbəl] a.很可能的,大概的

It’s probable that you offended your boss.你很可能得罪你老板了。

It's probable that 固定结构,其实是个主语从句,it代替that后面的句子。


your boss你老板

offend your boss得罪你老板

offended your boss得罪了你老板

you offended your boss你得罪了你老板

you probably offended your boss你很可能得罪了你老板

It's probable that you offended your boss“你得罪了你老板”这个动作是很可能的


324 understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到;谅解;听说;认为I don’t understand what he is talking about. 我不懂他在说什么。


understand 懂

I understand 我懂

I don’t understand 我不懂

he talks 他说

he is talking 他在说

what is he talking about 他在说什么(what 是talk about 的宾语)

从句中句子要用陈述语气变成:what he is talking about 他在说什么

连接上面的句子就得到:I don’t understand what he is talking about. 我不懂他在说什么。


325 reach [ri:tʃ] vt.达到;伸手;达成 n.理解力[ pl.]流域They didn't reach Beijing until after dark.他们天黑以后才到北京 。

这儿有一个很好用的固定结构: not A until B: 直到B才A



after dark 天黑以后

until after dark直到天黑以后

not reach Beijing until after dark直到天黑以后才到北京

They didn't reach Beijing until after dark.他们直到天黑以后才到北京


326 effect [iˈfekt] n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物 vt.实现,引起Can’t you feel the effects of too many late nights? 你感受不到熬夜太多产生的影响吗?



late night 深夜,熬夜

too many late nights 熬夜太多

the effects of too many late nights熬夜太多产生的影响

feel the effects of too many late nights?感受到熬夜太多产生的影响

You can feel the effects of too many late nights你能感受到熬夜太多产生的影响

Can you feel the effects of too many late nights?你能感受到熬夜太多产生的影响吗?

Can’t you feel the effects of too many late nights? 你感受不到熬夜太多产生的影响吗?


327 different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;个别的,另外的;各种的She offered us three different kinds of cake. 她给我们提供了三种不同的蛋糕。



one kind of cake 一种蛋糕

three kinds of cake 三种蛋糕

three different kinds of cake三种不同的蛋糕

She offered three different kinds of cake. 她提供了三种不同的蛋糕。

She offered us three different kinds of cake. 她给我们提供了三种不同的蛋糕。


328 idea [aiˈdiə] n.想法,主意;思想,概念

It would be a good idea to tell her before we leave. 我们出发之前跟她说一声是个好主意。

这里 it 指的是后面的不定式短语,下面进行分解:

tell 告诉

tell her告诉她

before we leave我们离开前

tell her before we leave我们离开前告诉她

to tell her before we leave would be a good idea我们离开前告诉她是一个好主意


It would be a good idea to tell her before we leave. 我们出发之前跟她说一声是个好主意。​[机智][机智]​[机智][机智][机智]

329 whole [həul] a.全部的;完整的,无缺的 n.全部,整体I spent the whole day writing on Toutiao.我在头条上整整写了一天。

这儿有个固定搭配, spend A in B 花A(时间或金钱)做B,下面进行分解:day一天

the whole day一整天

spend the whole day 花一整天

I spent the whole day我花一整天

I spent the whole day writing我花一整天写作

I spent the whole day writing on Toutiao.我花一整天在头条写作。


330 control [kənˈtrəul] n.控制;自制;操纵装置 vt.控制;克制

The boy was so scared that he lost control. 男孩太害怕以至于失控了。

这儿有个固定搭配: so A that B 如此A 以至于B,下面进行分解:


lose control 失去控制

he lost control 他失控了

The boy was scared 男孩害怕

The boy was so scared男孩如此害怕

The boy was so scared that 男孩如此害怕以至于

The boy was so scared that he lost control. 男孩如此害怕以至于失控了。




