“放学放假了”(School is dismissed)的英语口语训练


上过初中语文课的学生都应该学过法国作家都德(Daudet)的著名短篇小说:The Last Lesson(最后一课)。



在“互联网 ”时代,我们轻松有机会读到它的英语“原文”(真正原文是法语)。

The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet

He wrote as large as he could: “Vive La France!”

Then he stopped and leaned his head against the wall, and, without a word, he made a gesture to us with his hand: “School is dismissed—you may go.”

这让我们在听惯了中国英语老师课堂最常用的那句“顺口溜”(Class is over)之后有了一个“新”的表达:School is dismissed.

我们做“英语之外有英语:Put English into English口语训练”:


1. Class is over(这句话的(英语)意思是什么啊?)

-Well,when we say Class is over,we can also say:School is dismissed.

-That means:You can have a break.You can leave the school and go home.

你需要强迫自己“能说”这些英语来记Class is over/School is dismissed,而不是只会“说”中文:下课/放学。

2. School is out

-School is out means that classes are over for now.

-We could say School is out:at the end of the school day, on the beginning of the weekend, or when school vacations begin.

-School is out means that the school is shut for the holidays and the children are out of the school.


你现在最需要的,是用英语表达(Class is over,School is dismissed,School is out)来做用英语记英语并通过它们增强自己这方面的英语语言能力,而不是只求记住它们的中文意思(然后假设自己有机会用上这些英语。你基本没有机会用的)
