


评论翻译Tanjim PurnoIf you want to understand Japan's economy then you must watch Princes of Yen. This documentary beautifully explains how Japan grew so quickly and then became stagnant. It's available on YouTube as well.如果你想要了解日本的经济,那么你必须看看《日元王子》这部纪录片。这部纪录片完美解释了日本是如何快速发展并陷入停滞的。在油管上就可以看到这部纪录片原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处AmeriCA MEinyourmouthHe’s wrong Japan has grown. Japan’s Real GDP PPP in 1990 was $4.06 Trillion and in 2019 it was $5.30 Trillion.他错了,日本一直在增长,1990年按购买力平价计算,日本的GDP是4.06万亿美元,2019年日本的GDP是5.3万亿美元Jesus Medina@AmeriCA MEinyourmouth not when you take inflation into consideration如果把通货膨胀考虑进去的话,日本根本就没有在发展DUC HUYit became stagnant because ex-president Reagan force the yen to double becuase the USA auto could not compete. So everything imported from japan went up atleast by 50% so hurt Japane corporate profit. 日本陷入停滞是因为美国前总统里根迫使日元升值一倍,因为美国汽车无法和日本竞争。所以从日本进口的所有产品的价格至少上涨了50%。这损害了日本企业的利润。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处はしthanks for your recommendation! As a Japanese, I have really wondered why economy get stuck for decades unlike other countries. I will watch this documentary and hope I can find out!感谢你的推荐,作为一个日本人,我真的很好奇为什么日本经济停滞了几十年,而其他国家却没有这样。接下来我会去看这部纪录片,希望我可以找到这个答案。Fallout BoyI think the difference between comparing the fear of Japan's 1980s economy overtaking the US and the fear of China's economy taking over the US today is that even if China overtakes the US's economy, it would only imply the Chinese worker is 1/4 as productive as the average American, while in the 80s, if Japan overtook the US's economy, it would imply the Japanese are twice as productive as the average American我认为对上世纪80年代日本经济超过美国的恐惧和现在中国经济超过美国的恐惧是不一样的,因为即便中国经济超过了美国,也只是意味着中国工人的人均生产力达到了美国的四分之一而已,而在80年代,如果日本经济超过了美国,则意味着日本的人均生产力是美国的两倍。劉 健傑 「Liew Jien Jie・リュ ジエンジ 」Japan's old-fashioned workplace culture is holding them back. Young people are encouraged to dedicate their lives to big corpos rather than engaging in startups.日本过时的职场文化阻碍了他们的发展。年轻人被鼓励将自己的人生奉献给大公司,而不是被鼓励去创业。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处MoepowerplantStrangely enough Japan or at least Tokyo gets high scores on a world innovation index. I wonder what new stuff they actually put out given that ossified work culture.奇怪的是,日本,至少东京,在世界创新指数上面得分很高,我很好奇,在这种僵化的工作文化下,他们到底推出了什么新的东西ARTURO LIRIO RAPADASI agree. I have friends who are Japanese Expats here in Philippines. We Filipinos admire them because of they are developed citizens and well known in their working ethics. Despite a lot of nationalities admire their culture they are a shame of having not a work life balance and easily get depressed. They may be developed advance country but their working culture is outdated already that needs a lot of changes. Japanese working culture is criticized for their heirarchy in corps and long hours of working that leads to depression and suicide of japanese workers.我同意你的观点,我有一些朋友,他们是驻菲律宾的日本外籍人士,我们菲律宾人很钦佩他们,因为他们是发达国家的公民,并且以职业道德而著称。尽管有很多国家的人欣赏日本文化,但遗憾的是他们无法平衡好工作和生活的关系,容易患上抑郁症。他们或许是发达的先进国家,但他们的工作文化已经过时了,需要进行重大的改变。日本工作文化中的等级制度和过长的工作时间广受批评,这些因素导致员工抑郁和自杀。CaseNumber00I dont think its the workplace culture effecting the economy, overall I think its better than the US, its just Japan cant physically grow. 70-75% of its land is mountainous, virtually unusable. You cant build factories, buildings, homes, more food. In addition, for a volcanic island, it has poor mineral deposits and other natural resources. They dont have the resources and space to make growth, in fact, I am impressed it hasnt gotten backwards at all where other nations have. However, yikes, I dont like that type of overtime culture they have.我认为日本的工作文化并没有影响经济的发展,我认为日本表现得比美国好,只是日本无法再增长了。日本有70%到75%得土地都是山区,根本就无法得到利用。你无法在这里建造工厂,建筑物,住宅,也不能在这些地方生产更多的粮食。而且对于一个火山频发得岛国来说,日本的矿产资源和其他自然资源贫乏。他们没有经济发展的资源和空间,事实上,他们没有像其他国家一样倒退,我就已经觉得很了不起了。但我并不喜欢日本的加班文化Roger BartletYou have to work overtime to make up for the lack of people in the workforce.日本必须靠加班来弥补劳动力上的不足ian limThing is that in Japan, if you detract from the social norms, you will be considered a social outcast. This mindset is planted in japanese people starting from elementary schools. Therefore, if you ask for changes in work culture for the better in Japanese companies, you will instead be ostracised by your colleagues and managers.问题是,在日本,如果你不遵守社会规范,你就会被视为是社会的弃儿。这种心态在日本人上小学的时候就已经生根发芽了。所以如果你要求日本企业改善工作文化,你就会受到同事和经理的排挤12shzarmai 55reminds me of South Korea这让我想起了韩国JADiaz10Actually in the US this is quite normal. Japan and US are the top 2 countries when it comes to how much their citizens work.实际上在美国加班是很正常的,日本和美国是世界上工作时长最长的两个国家Slapstick GeniusWell, even western companies sometimes have overtime schedules.即便是西方企业有时候也有加班的计划JasonAs I've come to understand, the Japanese overtime culture is enforced by just about everyone. I've heard it's impolite to go home before your boss, and if bosses stay late, everyone else working under them is expected to do the same. And if you deviate from that, you're frowned upon by your co-workers, your family, friends....The Diet (Japanese governing body) has been making legislation that forcefully shuts off office building lights to encourage people to go home. The people of Japan are quite aware of their over-work problem, it's just taking time to bend a culture that has been in place for centuries basically.正如我所了解的那样,日本职场上的每一个人都在执行加班文化。我听说比老板先走是不礼貌的,而如果老板工作到很晚,那么在他们手底下工作的员工也要留到很晚才能回家。如果你遵守这条规则的话,你的同事,家人和朋友都会对你感到不满。日本国会一直在立法,强制要求关闭办公大楼里面的灯光,要求人们回家。日本人对过度加班问题非常清楚,但要改变存在了数个世纪的文化需要时间。
