

1. Start Planning for Retirement


The first thing you should do is plan for retirement. Contributing early and regularly means that you can get by with contributing a lower overall percentage of your income and you do not need to worry about catching up later. 你应该做的第一件事是为退休做打算。提前定期缴纳养老金意味着你缴纳较低的总收入百分比就可以了,而且,你也不需要担心以后需要高额补交。

It makes sense to plan as though you are going to be responsible for your retirement on your own. This allows you to save enough and will leave you prepared. It may help you to be able to retire early.明智的做法是你要按照自己退休养老的打算去做计划。这样可以让你存够钱并且做好准备。还可能有助于你能够提前退休。

2.Create a Financial Plan


A financial plan can include everything from your career plan to your retirement plan. If that feels like too much start out with a five-year plan. Where do you want to be in five years? What do you need to do financially to get there?财务计划可以包括从职业规划到退休计划的所有内容。如果这感觉太多了,就从五年计划开始。五年后你想去哪里?为了达到这个目标,你需要在经济上做些什么?

Then break it down into yearly and monthly goals and steps. Be sure to include long-term goals like retirement as part of your plan. This may include going back to school to get your education to help with your next career goal.然后把它分解成每年和每月的目标和步骤。一定要把退休等长期目标纳入计划的一部分。这可能包括回到学校接受教育以帮助你实现下一个职业目标。

3. Focus on Climbing the Career Ladder


Now is a great time to focus on the career ladder. It takes time and hard work to move up. Make clear goals and determine what you need to do to reach them.现在是一个专注于事业发展的好时机。晋升需要时间和努力。制定明确的目标,然后确定你需要做些什么来实现它们。

It may mean switching companies, moving to another city or going back to school. It may mean that you do side work or create a professional network and find a mentor to help you reach that goal.这可能意味着换公司,搬到另一个城市或回到学校。这可能意味着你要做兼职工作,或者建立一个职业关系网,然后找一个导师来帮助你实现这个目标。

Break down the steps for the career path you want to take and start taking them. It is okay to switch directions at some point and choose to go a new direction if you find a better fit for you.列出你想走的职业道路的步骤,并开始实施。如果你找到一个更适合自己的方向,在有些时候改变方向去选择一条新的道路是可以的。

Dreams can change, but the key is to keep moving forward toward that dream.梦想可以改变,但关键是要继续朝着梦想前进。

4.Make Sure You Are Budgeting


Budgeting is one of the biggest tools to managing your money properly.做预算是正确管理资金的最好工具之一。

When you are single, it is easy to justify not creating a budget. Your expenses are straightforward and if you pay your bills what does it matter when and how you spend your money?当你单身的时候,不做预算是很容易的。你的开销很简单,如果你付了账单,那么什么时候、怎样花钱又有什么关系呢?

However, your budget can help you find areas you can cut back on spending to put more money toward savings or debt.然而,你的预算可以帮助你找到可以削减开支的领域,把更多的钱用于储蓄或债务。

Make your income a tool, and budget effectively. This does not mean you should not have fun, but determine how much you can afford to spend while working on your financial plan and stick to that amount.让你的收入成为一种工具,并有效地进行预算。这并不是说你不应该找乐子,而是要在制定财务计划时决定你能负担得起的开支,并坚持这个数额。

5. Make Sure You Have the Right Insurance


Insurance is there to protect you. It can be frustrating to see your income going to insurance each month, but it is there to protect you.保险就是为了保护你的。看到你每个月的收入都有一部分要用于保险是不开心,但它确实是为了保护你。

When you are a single, short-term and long-term disability insurance can be a life saver, especially if you do not have an emergency fund saved up.当你是单身的时候,短期和长期的伤残保险可以拯救你的生命,特别是如果你没有准备应急基金的话。

6.Build Your Emergency Fund


An emergency fund is essential if you are single. It can be the thing that save you from being homeless if you were to suddenly lose your job.如果你是单身,应急基金是必不可少的。如果你突然失业,这可能会让你免于无家可归。

It can help cover unexpected expenses and take the worry and weight off.它可以帮助支付意想不到的费用,减轻忧虑和压力。

For people living on one income, a year's worth of expense is a good goal. This will give you time to find a new job without too much pressure.对于只靠单一收入维持生活的人来说,一年的花费是一个很好的应急基金目标。这会给你时间去找一份新工作,不会有太大压力。


审校:Jade 丹妮

