✸✸WOULD more women on the trading floor inject a dose of sanity into the world’s financial markets? This question gained prominence after tHe 2007-08 crisis. As Christine Lagarde, then France’s finance minister and now head of the IMF, quipped, had Lehman Brothers been Lehman Sisters, history would have been different. Many studies support this idea, showing that testosterone-laden men are prone to overconfidence in trading. Women are more cautious.,我来为大家科普一下关于基础模块英语笔记?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



✸✸WOULD more women on the trading floor inject a dose of sanity into the world’s financial markets? This question gained prominence after tHe 2007-08 crisis. As Christine Lagarde, then France’s finance minister and now head of the IMF, quipped, had Lehman Brothers been Lehman Sisters, history would have been different. Many studies support this idea, showing that testosterone-laden men are prone to overconfidence in trading. Women are more cautious.

1 sanity [ˈsænəti] [ˈsænɪti] n.神志正常;心智健康;头脑清楚;通情达理

He and his wife finally had to move from their apartment just to preserve their sanity.


2inject into [inˈdʒekt ˈɪntuː] [ɪnˈdʒɛkt ˈɪntu] 注入身体;添加

At the same time, I hope to inject into the discussion a few personal details about these tenpeople and how they work together.


3 prone to [prəun tu:] [pron tu] 倾于

He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy.


✸✸But things may not be so simple. Previous research has mostly used evidence from the West. To test if the conclusions apply universally, Wang Jianxin of China’s Central South University, Daniel Houser of George Mason University and Xu Hui of Beijing Normal University looked at both America and China. And they found that in China’s markets, women can be just as manic as men.

1 manic [ˈmænɪk] [ˈmænɪk] adj.疯狂的;<>躁狂的,患躁狂病的 n.躁狂者

He was really manic


短语:manic depressive [ˈmænɪk diˈpresiv] [ˈmænɪk dɪˈprɛsɪv] []躁狂抑郁的

✸✸The economists arranged for 342 students to form experimental markets. They were allocated dividend-paying shares and tokens (in lieu of cash), and given 15 rounds to trade within gender based groups. Participants could, in theory, calculate fair value of the shares in any given round but few did so.

1 arranged for the time being 暂定
