答案在The Economist March 5th 2022 Leaders 中“ The horror ahead --- When Vladimir Putin escalates, the world must meet him”这篇文章第八段可以找到。

英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(1)

The Economist March 5th 2022 Leaders


英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(2)

英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(3)

英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(4)

英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(5)

stand up to 经得起,承受得住

stand up to sb/sth 面对(强有力的人或组织)勇敢抵抗,奋起反抗…的不公平对待


He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies.


英语顽强抵抗的英文怎么读 34勇敢抵抗(6)


The world must stand up to him, and to be credible it must demonstrate that it is willing to bleed his regime of the resources that enable him to wage war and abuse his own people even if that imposes costs on Western economies. The sanctions devised after Mr Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 were riddled with loopholes and compromises. Instead of being deterred, the Kremlin concluded that it could act with impunity. By contrast, the latest sanctions, imposed on February 28th, have crumpled the rouble and promise to cripple Russia’s financial system. They are effective because they are destructive.


