[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第30话

30. Babysitting 照顾猪宝宝

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Babysitting 照顾猪宝宝


Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to baby-sit.

Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening. 猪妈妈和猪爸爸晚上要出去。

Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to baby-sit. 猪奶奶和猪爷爷来帮他们照料孩子。

Peppa: Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig! 奶奶你好!爷爷你好!

George: Ganggylg! Baba lg! 奶奶好!爷爷好!

Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones! 你们好啊,我的小宝贝们!

Grandpa Pig: Hello~ 你们好啊!

Mummy Pig: Peppa, George. Into your beds! Quick! 佩奇乔治,快睡觉!快!

Daddy Pig: Good night, my little piggies! 晚安!我的小家伙们!

Mummy Pig: Good night. Sleep tight! 晚安,睡个好觉!

Peppa: Goodnight, Mummy. Goodnight, Daddy! 晚安妈妈,晚安爸爸!

Granny Pig: What little darlings! 多可爱的小家伙们!

Mummy Pig: Now go to sleep quickly. 现在快点睡觉吧。

Peppa: Yes, Mummy. 好的,妈妈。

Granny Pig: So well behaved! 他们表现得可真好!

Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are leaving for their evening out. 猪妈妈和猪爸爸开车出门了。

Granny Pig: Peppa and George are so good. 佩奇和乔治表现得真好。

They just fell asleep when Mummy Pig told them to. 猪妈妈让他们上床去睡觉,他们就睡了。

Grandpa Pig: This babysitting is easy! 照料猪宝宝太简单了!

Peppa: George? George, are you awake? 乔治?乔治,你睡着了吗?

Shhh! 嘘!

Narrator: What strange noises? 这是什么奇怪的声音?

Grandpa Pig: I wonder if we should check upstairs... 不知道我们该不该上楼去确认一下

Granny Pig: Peppa, George? Are you awake? 佩奇,乔治?你们醒了吗?

Well, I never, fast asleep. 好吧,我从来没有,这么快就睡着过。

Grandpa Pig: So, it wasn't Peppa and George making all that noise. 所以,刚才那个声音不是佩奇和乔治发出来的咯。

Granny Pig: I can't hear anything. 现在我什么都没听见。

Grandpa Pig: I think they really have fallen asleep. 我想他们应该是真的睡着了吧。

Let's watch some television. 那我们来看电视吧。

TV: Gardening. Today we are talking about ''Roses''. 园艺。今天我们来谈谈玫瑰花。

Grandpa Pig: Oh, I love gardening programs! 哦,我最喜欢的园艺节目了!

TV: The Gavesgate is a particularly thorny rose. 这种玫瑰花的刺特别得多。

[particularly [pərˈtɪkjələrli] adv. 尤其,特别]

[thorny [ˈθɔːrni] adj. 多刺的,棘手的,引起争议的]

To prune it, start by lopping off the head 修剪的时候,要先剪掉它的头。

[prune [pruːn] v. 修剪] [Lop off 砍下 减去 截掉]

And then snip away the budding shoots. 然后再摘掉它的花苞。

[snip away剪去] [the budding shoots花苞]

Peppa: Granny Pig? 奶奶?

Granny Pig: Peppa? George? You should be in bed asleep! 佩奇?乔治?你们俩个不是应该睡着了吗!

Peppa: George and I are not sleepy at all. 乔治和我一点都不觉的困。

Can we watch TV with you? 我们能和你们看会儿电视吗?

Granny Pig: Well...I suppose watching a little TV might make you sleepy. 哇哦,我想你们看一会电视,可能就会觉得困了吧。

Peppa and George: Hurray! 好耶!

TV: Icelandic Roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticulturist. 冰岛玫瑰对于园艺爱好者来说是非常稀有的品种。

[rare [rer] adj. 稀有的; 珍贵的; 稀少的; 稀罕的; ]

But they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats. 但是温暖的环境并不利于它们生长。[be prone to 易于……的]

Peppa: This program is very boring. 这节目实在是太无聊了。

Grandpa Pig? Can you play that game...? 对了,爷爷,能和我们玩游戏吗?

where you throw us up and catch us? 把我们抛到空中的游戏

Grandpa Pig: Okay, but just one turn each! 好的,但是一次只能抛一个人!

Wheee! Wheee!

Grandpa Pig: Phew...You seem heavier than before. 哎吼吼…我感觉你好像比以前重了。

Now it's George's turn. 现在轮到乔治玩了。

Wheee! Wheee!

Peppa: My turn! 该我了!

Wheee! Wheee!

Peppa: Higher! Higher! 再高一点!高一点!

Granny Pig: Maybe Grandpa Pig is a bit tired. 猪爷爷现在可能有点累了。

Peppa: I know! Granny Pig, let's play catch! 我知道!那么奶奶,我们来玩抓人吧!

Grandpa Pig: Err… 呃。。。。。。

Peppa: You're ''It''! Catch us if you can! 你来抓,来抓我们呀!

Can't catch me! 你抓不到我!

Granny Pig: I'm going to catch you! 我一定会抓到你的!

Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are back home. 猪妈妈和猪爸爸回来了。

Mummy Pig: I hope our little piggies are asleep. 希望孩子们已经睡着了。

Daddy Pig: Hello? Anyone here? 你好啊?有人在吗?

The little piggies are asleep! 小家伙们都睡着了!

And so are the big piggies! 猪爷爷和猪奶奶也都睡着了!

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第30集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


Good night. Sleep tight!


This babysitting is easy!


1. Sleep tight

佩奇和乔治乖乖躺床上了,猪妈妈在临走之前说Goodnight. Sleep tight! 晚安,睡个好觉。

这是英美国家著名的哄小孩睡觉的“妈妈令”:Sleep tight. Don’t let the beg bugs bite.

大人间常用临睡祝福语:Sleep tight./ Sleep well./ Sweet dreams./ Nighty night./ Have a good sleep.

2. Well-behaved

猪奶奶看着Peppa他们乖乖的躺在床上准备睡觉了,不禁说So well behaved. 表现得真乖啊。



If you show Mummy you are a well-behaved child, you can get the yummy cookies. 如果你给妈妈展现了你是一个乖孩子,那你就可以吃好吃的饼干。

3.Fall asleep

猪奶奶吃着热腾腾的比萨,对猪爷爷说They just fell asleep when Mummy Pig told them to! 猪妈妈叫他们睡觉,他们就睡着了。

Fall asleep是入睡的意思。

Fall fast asleep 很快就入睡了。

4.Are you awake

佩奇可不想这么早就睡觉了,对下床的George说Are you awake? 你还醒着吗?

Be awake是保持清醒的意思,跟fall asleep是反义词哦。

5.Well, I never

猪爷爷和猪奶奶听到声响,于是到佩奇的房间里查看,说Well, I never, fast asleep. 太吃惊了,(他们都)睡得熟熟的。

Well, I never是很正宗的英式英语,可以理解为Well, I never was so surprised!的简化形式。意思我从没这么吃惊过。

6.Are asleep

猪爸爸和猪妈妈晚上回来看到两个小家伙在沙发上睡着了,说The little piggies are asleep. 两只小猪都睡着了。

be asleep 睡着了。


What strange noises?



1.tight [taɪt] adj. 紧的;密封的;绷紧的;麻烦的;严厉的;没空的;吝啬的;

adv. 紧紧地;牢固地

"Sleep tight" 睡个好觉,来自于中世纪欧洲绷紧绳子支撑床垫的传统。

2.behave:vi. 表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用

vt. 使守规矩;使 表现得…

well behaved功能良好的;乖的;良性的;行为端正的。例:He is usually well-behaved; this rudeness is only a lapse.他一向彬彬有礼,这次的无礼只是一时的失态。

3.prune [pruːn] vi. 删除;减少; vt. 修剪;删除;剪去;

n. 深紫红色;傻瓜;李子干例:This gives you the chance to prune dead code from your source tree, which is always a worthwhile activity. 这也为您提供了从源代码树中删除无用代码的机会,这样做总是值得的。

4.snip [snɪp] n. 剪;便宜货;

v. 剪; (用剪刀快速)剪断; 例句:Snip a tiny hole in the paper. 在纸上剪一个小孔。

It's a snip at only £25. 这个只卖25英镑,真是便宜。


Phew...You seem heavier than before.


I'm going to catch you!

-The End-
