If you lose it sooner or later, you might as well not have it.
2.决定放弃了的事 就请放弃的干干净净
If you decide to give up, please give up cleanly.
3.我输不起 所以才假装一副不怕输的样子
I can't afford to lose, so I pretend I'm not afraid to lose.
4.疏远谁 有的时候并不是讨厌 而是太喜欢
Alienation is sometimes not disgusting, but too fond of.
5.委屈受多了 给我再多糖也会扔
Give me too much grievance and polysaccharides will be thrown away.
6.你以为我无牵无挂 哪知道那叫无依无靠
You think I have nothing to worry about. You know that's called helplessness.
7.抓不住的东西 伸手都是多余的
It's superfluous to stretch out what you can't grasp.
8.到底什么样的终点 才配得上这一路的颠沛流离
What is the end of the journey?