三、数词的用法1) 当基数词hundred, thousand, million和billion前如有表示确定的具体的数字时,要用单数,我来为大家科普一下关于英语数词在哪里用到?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




1) 当基数词hundred, thousand, million和billion前如有表示确定的具体的数字时,要用单数。

two hundred students 200个学生 five thousand years 5000年

2) 当基数词hundreds, thousands, millions和billions后面有of表示泛指时,则要用复数,且前面不能再加具体数目,表示不确切数字。

hundreds of成百上千 thousands of成千上万 millions of成百万的

hundreds of people数以百计的人 thousands of trees 成千上万棵树 millions of stars数百万颗星星


1、 位于another或all后,

Can you have another two cakes? 你还能再吃两块蛋糕吗?

The boy lost all the five pencils last week.这个男孩上周把五支铅笔全丢了。

2、 位于such和more之前

I can finish reading two such books in two days.在两天内我能读完两本这样的书。

3、 可置于last, next, other之前或之后

His last two programs are finished by computer.

His two last programs are are finished by computer.




Six and eight are lucky numbers in China. 6和8在中国是幸运数字。

When you are angry, you can count up to ten before speaking. 当你生气的时候,数到十再说话。

Linda is ten years old.

Make sure you have three meals a day on time. 确保你每天按时吃三顿饭。

What kind of fruit do you three want? 你们三位需要什么水果?
