26. The Proper Way to Give GiftsEveryone has had the experience of giving a gift. A proper gift can help communication and express good wishes, and sometimes it may also bring about unexpected good results. But, an improper gift may not only fail to show good wishes, but also even result in misunderstanding(误会). The art of giving gifts needs more attention, especially in communication with friends from different countries.,我来为大家科普一下关于英语背诵100条?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



26. The Proper Way to Give Gifts

Everyone has had the experience of giving a gift. A proper gift can help communication and express good wishes, and sometimes it may also bring about unexpected good results. But, an improper gift may not only fail to show good wishes, but also even result in misunderstanding(误会). The art of giving gifts needs more attention, especially in communication with friends from different countries.

When you give gifts to the Chinese, you should pay attention to what you say. In China, people may sometimes say the words like“Yi Dian Xin Yi.”

27. Making Electricity

Because of electricity(电), it is easy for us to turn on an electric lamp or a TV. But where does all that electricity come from? Most power plants (发电厂) produce electricity by using coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy(核能).Other plants make electricity by using sunlight, wind, water, or even heat from underground!

28. One Real Man

In an ancient kingdom(王国),all men were ruled by their wives. The king didn’t believe it. In order to prove it was not true, the king had all the men of his kingdom brought before him. He warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be seriously punished.

Then he asked all the men who followed their wives' orders to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right side.

“It's good to see,”said the king,“that we have one real man in the kingdom. Tell these chicken-hearted men why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.”

“Your Majesty(陛下),”came the reply in a weak voice, “it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds(人群). I don't dare to go against her.”

29. Dialogue: Where Is My Pet Dog?

(L: Lisa, S: Sam)

L: Ten years ago, I went on a tour to London with my pet dog.

S: Did you have a good time there?

L: Yes. I did. One day, after a tiring tour, I went into a restaurant with my pet dog.

S: You should feed your dog first, I think

L: Right, so I signed(打手势) a waiter(服务员)to come over. At that time, I couldn't speak English. So I pointed to the dog and made an“eating”gesture, showing that the dog needed some food.

S: What happened then?

L: The waiter nodded and walked away with my pet dog. I was happy because I made the waiter understand me without any difficulty. But after half an hour, he returned with a plate.

S: What was on the plate?

L: My pet dog! My pet dog was killed and cooked !

30. Why Shouldn't We Smoke?

To begin with, smoking costs a lot of money. Smokers may also have to spend more on medicine and doctor visits.

Another reason not to smoke is that it is bad for people who do not smoke, Secondhand smoke(二手烟)is a serious public health risk. It isn't polite for a person to smoke in front of a nonsmoker. Besides, nonsmokers usually don't like the smell left in rooms, cars, or even on a smoker's clothes!

Most importantly, smoking causes big health problems. For example, smoking makes it harder to breathe if a person has illnesses like asthma (哮喘). Smoking hurts a person's lungs(肺) , causing diseases like cancer, etc.

So if you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, it's time to give it up.

 31. The Jobs of Tomorrow

What kind of work do you want to do when you are older? Many jobs might interest you. Two of them that have been around the longest are farming and building. People who work with computers have newer kinds of jobs.

The jobs of tomorrow will be decided by what people need and want. When we decide which job to take, we need to get the necessary information about chances of jobs. The chances result from the relations between the total population, labor force, and the need for goods(商品)and services.

32. To Stop Two Boys from Fighting

I am sixteen years old. I have a younger brother. My brother's name is Jim. Jim is a handsome boy and sometimes very humorous, he makes me laugh a lot, and I love him and am proud of him.

One afternoon I was walking from my house to the store to buy some ink when I saw a small boy running along the street towards me. He was running a thigh speed. When he came near me, I was surprised to see it was Jim

“Hi, Jim,”I shouted to him,“why are you running like that?”

Jim didn't stop. He looked a bit nervous, and shouted to me,“I'm trying to stop two boys from fighting.”

I was surprised again. I laughed and said,“That's an important job for a little boy, isn’t it? You don't do things like that very often. Who are the two boys?”

“They're Tom and me,”answered Jim as he continued running down the street very quickly.

33. Buying a House

As house prices have risen too much these years, many people find it hard to afford a house. But all the people who do not have a house dream of the day they’ll pickup the keys to their own home. The idea of owning a home is wonderful.

Buying a house will cost you a lot of money, so never do it in a hurry. Whatever the market condition is, when you are planning to buy a house, there are many things to consider, whatever your intention is, to buy or only rent(租). After all, it is going to be your home, perhaps for quite a long time, and you want to be happy with it. You have to decide correctly what kind of house you want, how much you can

afford to pay, and the type of area you wish to live in.However, it's always easy to forget all above, because it's most probably that you'll fall in love with the house for sale when you first see it.

34.Jimmy and His Son's Funny Stories

Jimmy is our new neighbor. He speaks with strange accent, but we like to talk with him. He told me an interesting story about himself.

He said he liked growing flowers in his garden in his spare time. And one Sunday morning, after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging in his garden.He dug and dug. After half an hour he suddenly found a coin near his foot. He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later, he found another one. He put it in the same pocket, too. The same thing happened for the third, the fourth and the fifth time. He was very happy and told his wife about it. She was very happy, too. She said,“A thief(小偷) stole a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago. The police caught him but they didn’t find any coins.”

Then Jimmy went on digging and found some more coins, but just when he began to dig, he felt something cold in his trousers. It ran down one of his legs. He put his hand down quickly ——and the coin came into his hand. Now he knew there was a hole in his pocket.

Jimmy also told me something even funnier about his son, Jack. One day he took his son Jack to a boy's clothing shop. That shop was giving away(赠送) balloons to buyers' children. Jack asked if he might have two balloons.“Sorry,”the salesperson said,“but we give only one balloon to each child. Do you have a brother at home?”Jack was always honest He didn't tell lies, but he wanted another balloon badly.“No.”he replied regretfully,“but my sister has a brother, and I'd like one for him”

What a lovely boy Jack is!

35. At sea in a Small Boat

People have sailed around the world in quite small boats. It is not an easy thing. Sometimes the weather goes bad. That will be the end of a boat; and the end of everyone in it. Accidents can happen easily and quickly.

One family had an accident with a big fish The fish swam under their boat and bit(咬) holes in it. The water came into the boat, of course; and the boat soon went down. However, these people had another, smaller boat——a life-boat(救生艇) ; and they all got into that. They lived and hoped for many days. They woke and slept, and they always, hoped... At last a ship found them

How do people live in a very small life-boat? Perhaps for weeks or months. They must be strong in every way. They must have hope——they must want to live.But you cannot eat and drink hope.

You cannot drink sea water. Drink a lot of sea water——you will quickly die. Sailors(水手) can drink rain water. They must catch rain water in their boat. They must also catch fish and birds for food. Lifeboats do not often carry a cooker;and so the sailors cannot cook their food. Raw(生的) fish and bird-meat is not very nice. But there won't be any choice in a life-boat! The sailors must eat raw food or they will die

What do people think about in a life-boat? They think about land, a warm bed, dry clothes, clean water and food.

36. A Careless Couple

Mr. and Mrs. Long have a poor memory, and they are also very careless. Compared with the careless parents, their daughter Linda is quite different. Linda is very careful in doing things.If Mr.and Mrs. Long can act carefully and remember to check their work, they’ll not cause so much trouble in their life.

One summer they plan to fly to New York for a visit. They get to the airport only ten minutes before the plane leaves. So time is short. But suddenly Mrs. Long says she must tell Linda, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she leaves for school in the morning. As Linda is then at school, they can't reach her on the phone. So the couple hurries to the post office. Mrs. Long writes a short note to Linda, while Mr. Long buys a stamp and an envelope(邮票). Soon the note is ready. They put the stamp on the envelope and drop it in the letter box in a hurry. But suddenly Mrs. Long begins to cry. The short note to her daughter is still in her hand. She has put their plane tickets in the envelope!

37. Protecting Your Teeth

George Washington had many great successes in his life, but he didn't succeed in keeping his own teeth! Back then, many people lost their teeth, But modern people know how to protect their teeth

The most important thing is to brush your teeth. By keeping the teeth clean you will not have a toothache or other tooth disease

One other important thing is to eat right. For example, milk and cheese give teeth calcium(钙), which they need to be strong. Fruits and vegetables also help by providing VA and VD. On the other hand, sweet food is bad for teeth

So brush your teeth and eat right. They are the basic things you should do to protect your teeth. If you do the things, you'll be able to have good teeth for your whole life.That’s one success that even George Washington didn't have!

38. American classroom Rules (1)

l. If the teacher asks a question, you should give an answer. If you do not understand the question, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. If you do not know the answer, it is all right to tell the teacher that you do not know. Then the teacher knows what you need to learn.

2. There is no excuse for not doing your homework. If you are absent, you should call your teacher or someone who is in your class and ask for the homework. It is your duty to find out what homework you have missed. It is not the teacher's duty to tell you the missing homework.

3. You must not be absent on a test day. Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.

4. Be on time! It is considered not polite to be late.Also, it disturbs other classmates. If you must come in late, be sure to do it quietly. In the U.S it is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom Most of the teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.

5.Have your textbook out and be ready to begin when the class starts. Be sure you have a paper and a pencil ready.

6. In America, you should call your teacher by his or her last name, not“teacher”. Also you should use Mr., Miss, Ms. or Mrs. before the last name (such as Mrs. Smith or Mr. Jones). This is considered polite

7. Be polite to other students. If another student is answering a question or giving a report, you should listen quietly and give them your attention.

8. It is considered impolite in the U.S. to eat, drink or chew gum(嚼口香糖) during class. Also, taking off one's shoes in the classroom is not polite.

9. If you must leave during class, do so quietly. There is no need to tell the teacher.

However, leaving the class for something instead of an emergency (紧急情况) is not accepted.

10. Copying another student's test or paper is never accepted. It is called cheating.

At most schools in the U. S , students who cheat will be dismissed

39. Very Pleased to Meet You

During World War Two, a lot of young women in Britain(英国) were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers, and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. Joan also played thepiano there. They had a very good time. Captain Humphreys said to her,“I'm going abroad tomorrow, but I'd be very happy if We could write to each other.”Joan agreed.Then Captain Humphreys went to a foreign country. And they wrote for several months.

Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer,telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England.

Joan went there and said to the matron(护士长),“I've come to visit captain Humphreys.”

“Only family members are allowed to visit patients here,”the matron said.

“Oh, that's all right,”answered Joan“I'm his sister.”

“I'm pleased to meet you,”the matron said,“I'm his mother!”

40. Keys? Kiss?

My cousin was giving an English lesson to a class of adults(成年人). They had recently come to live in America. My cousin placed many daily objects on a table, There was a pen, a ruler, an eraser, a tape, a piece of chalk, a newspaper, a magazine, a map, and a table tennis ball and so on. Then she asked every member of the class to give her an object as they were told. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work. But when my cousin said to an Italian(意大利的)student,“Give me the keys,”the man looked surprised. Seeing this, my cousin thought that the student hadn't heard her clearly, so she repeated,“Give me the keys.”The Italian student seemed a little shy, and then he threw his arms around the teacher's neck and kissed her on both cheeks(脸颊).

41. A Cockroach in Our Classroom

What would you do if you found a cockroach in your classroom? Would you cry? Would you laugh? Or would you just sit there and do nothing? In my class we did all those.

Suddenly I heard a terrible cry from one of the girls. My heart missed a beat. I heard another cry. I am now thinking to myself “what is going on”! Then there it was! It was at least an inch and a half long, just a little cockroach! Now this was the first time I had seen in real life, but from all the pictures and the movies I had seen in the past, I could tell it was a cockroach.

My teacher quickly ran to fetch some paper towels. To be honest, I didn’t think that window cleaner could help. I was wrong. The little cockroach got a big drop of “The Window Cleaner”, and lying on the floor, did not move.

Well that was just the beginning. Ok, here is the whole story. My teacher walked over to the, now not moving, cockroach. If you have a weak stomach I am warning you now... she stepped on it.

I don't know if you have seen the movies where someone steps on the cockroach and you hear a loud “CRUNCH”(嘎扎嘎扎的压碎), but I can tell you right now that those movies are one-hundred percent true.

I was laughing hard that I was crying. I looked around the classroom.Some of my friends were laughing too.Of course the girly girls were crying and some of the other kids thought it was no big deal and just sat there reading their books.

My teacher was not very happy to find out that she was the one who had to clean up the dirty place.

Most people will not realize that when you step on a cockroach, it will make a terrible sound you may not want to hear. So when you ever go to kill a cockroach, watch out for “THE CRUNCH”.

42.This Is My Supper

Miss Green ate a lot for every meal, and she liked eating meat, especially pork and beef. So she was very fat. She weighed 100 kilos and she got heavier every month.

One day she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You have to go on a diet(节食), Miss Green “He gave her a small book and said, “This is a book on how to lose your weight. Please eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me in two weeks.”

Miss Green came again two weeks later, but she wasn't thinner. She was much fatter. The doctor was surprised and said, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?’’ ‘‘Yes, doctor. “She answered. The next day, the doctor visited Miss Green when she was having her meals. “Miss Green,”he said, “Why are you eating potatoes and dumplings? They are not on the list of your diet.”“But doctor,”Miss Green answered, “I ate my diet at lunch time This is my supper.”

Funny enough! That's why Miss Green is getting fat. But since then, Miss Green has made up her mind to lose weight, and she has made an effort to follow the doctor’s advice

 43. Two Travelers

Two men were going along a lonely road and talking of what they would do if a bear or wolves attack(进攻)them. “Never fear,”said the larger one, “I can protect myself and you too, so there will be no danger. There is nothing in the forest for any man to fear, except a hungry bear, and I'd like to meet the bear that could be a match for me.”

Just at that time, a huge bear appeared in the road and moved towards the two men.

The two men ran for a tree. The one who had spoken so bravely reached it first and climbed to safety. The smaller man being left to face the bear alone, threw himself on the ground and lay as if dead. When the bear came up, he smelt the man on the ground and went away. Then the larger man came down from the tree and said, “What did the bear say in your ear? You seemed like old friends.”

“Oh,”the other answered, “he told me never to trust a boaster(自夸者)”

44. People Around the World Communicating in English

In only fifty years, English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organizations(组织), international trade and tourism (旅游业).

Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak Chinese. Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the language of world culture, such as pop music and the Internet. You can listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet. With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

45. Travel Diary

Saturday, March 24th

We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. This is our first trip to Thailand. All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel room we booked is cheap, but very clean and tidy. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places like the Palace in the city and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.

Tuesday, March 27th

Bangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have already taken hundreds of photos with our new cameras. Later we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.

Friday, March 30th

Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life——no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.
