Good 后面用介词to还是for呢,很多同学以为他们可以互换,其实是不对的,因为good有不同的含义,后面接的介词也会不一样,而且to 和for的意思也有差别,那我们要怎么区分呢?

do good to和be good for(记住有时候be)(1)


A man was troubled by mice, they ran about all over his house at night, in the daytime,they just stayed under the floor.

一个男子深受老鼠困扰, 晚上老鼠在他的房子里到处跑, 而白天, 它们却藏在地板底下。

The man thought,”what I need is a cat that can catch mice.” He knew if a man who had cats for sale. So he went to see him. “Do you have a cat that is good for the mice?” he asked the man,”well,yes,I do have a cat that is good to the mice,” replied the man.”I’ll take it”,said the first man.

男子心想: "我需要的是一只能捉老鼠的猫。他知道有一个人有猫出售,因此他决定去拜访他,他询问那个男子:“你有能抓老鼠的猫吗?”男子回答说:“嗯,当然有,我恰好有有一只对老鼠好的猫”,男子说:“好吧,那我就要这只猫了”。

He paid for the cat and took it home. A week later,the cat didn’t catch any mice,but it played with them like old friends. So the man went back again with the cat under his arm. They had a quarrel because they both took the meaning of “good” as they need.

他花钱买了那只猫, 把它带回家了。一个星期过后,这只猫并没有抓过一只老鼠,却像老朋友一样跟那些老鼠一起玩。因此,男子怀抱着这只猫打算回去买猫人那里问清楚,他们吵了一架,因为他们都把对方的“good”理解错了。


Do you have a cat that is good for the mice? “你这有没有善于捉老鼠的猫?”

I do have a cat that is good to the mice. “碰巧我还真有一只对老鼠不错的猫。”


其实,good表示“适合,有效,胜任”意思时,用be good for;

Good 表示“仁慈,善良”意思时,用be good to;


do good to和be good for(记住有时候be)(2)


1 老太太对哪些男孩和蔼可亲。

The old lady is good to the boys. (√)

The old lady is good for the boys.(×)

2 这药对改疾病有效果。

The medicine is good to the disease. (×)

The medicine is good for the disease. (√)

3 约翰不适合这项工作

John is not good to the job.(×)

John is not good for the job. (√)

4 这条金链刚好与吉姆的手表相配

The gold chain was just good to Jim’s watch.(×)

The gold chain was just good for Jim’s watch. (√)

5 体育运动有益健康。

Athletic sports are good to your health. (√)

Athletic sports are good for your health. (√)
