bbc随身听英语 BBC随身英语Toomuch(1)

Vocabulary: mental health 心理健康

Sometimes I can't sleep because a problem plays over and over in my mind. Does this happen to you?


Psychologists who used the results of an online test conducted by the BBC and the University of Liverpool say that some self-reflection can be good. But too much of it might lead to depression and anxiety, the most common mental health problems in the UK.

使用 BBC 和利物浦大学进行的在线测试结果的心理学家表示,一些 自我反省可能是件好事。但过多可能会导致抑郁和焦虑,这是英国最常见的心理健康问题。

Traumatic life events such as childhood bullying and abuse were the biggest cause of anxiety and depression, according to the international study. Next are family history, income and education. And completing the list of things that make us unhappy are relationship status and social inclusion.

根据这项国际研究, 童年时期 的欺凌和虐待等创伤性生活事件是导致焦虑和抑郁的最大原因 。其次是家族史、收入和教育。完成让我们不开心的事情的清单是关系状态和 社会包容性。

Having thoughts stuck on replay in her head is something a woman called Teresa (not her real name) has struggled with for years.


Teresa says: "I get angry with myself that negative thoughts run through my head. After all these years I think I should realise that they're not worth worrying about. But it feels like they are always there in the background, waiting to pop up."


She went to the doctor for help but was offered antidepressants. Teresa didn't want to go down that road and tried to develop her own coping mechanisms over the years. What makes her feel better is being in contact with nature.

她去找医生寻求帮助,但得到了抗抑郁药。特蕾莎不想走这条路, 多年来一直试图发展自己的应对机制。让她感觉更好的是与大自然接触。

The impact of mental health problems is huge. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they affect one person in every four during their lifetime. In 2010 alone the issue is estimated to have cost $2.5 trillion globally by the World Economic Forum.

心理健康问题的影响是巨大的。根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的数据,它们在其一生中会影响每四个人中的一个人。据世界经济论坛估计,仅在 2010 年,这一问题就在全球造成了 2.5 万亿美元的损失。

Dr Ellie Pontin, a research associate at the University of Liverpool, says it's important to understand what the findings mean for the average person.

利物浦大学的研究助理 Ellie Pontin 博士说,了解这些发现对普通人意味着什么很重要。

"It's actually a really positive message and should give people hope," she says. "The way you think and deal with things can be changed."


Maybe I can find a way of sleeping better now.



self-reflection 反省,反思

depression 压抑症,抑郁症

anxiety 焦虑不安

traumatic 造成心里创伤的,痛苦的

abuse 虐待,滥用

bullying 恃强凌弱,欺负人

social inclusion社会融入(程度)

antidepressant 抗抑郁药物

to go down that road 走那条路,采取那种办法

coping mechanism 应对机制

bbc随身听英语 BBC随身英语Toomuch(2)

Quiz 测验


1. What are the most common mental health problems in the UK?

2. What didn't Teresa want to take?

3. How many people in the world are estimated to have mental health problems?

4. Which expression is used to describe something that keeps repeating itself?

5. Which expression is used to describe something which appears suddenly?

Exercise 练习


1. Sometimes I don't feel like leaving the house. I think I might be suffering from __________.

coping mechanism social inclusion

depression self-reflection

2. We didn't expect Mary to dine with us but she__________ unexpectedly.

struggled popped up

left got angry

3. John didn't earn much money. He felt anxious because of his low ____________.

education family history

stature income

4. Children should learn early to treat each other with respect. The school does not tolerate __________.

depression bullying

social inclusion anxiety

5. My teacher said if I want to learn English I should repeat the new words I learn _______________ again.

on and on after and on

over and over before and after

Answers 答案

Quiz 小测验

1. What are the most common mental health problems in the UK? Depression and anxiety.

2. What didn't Teresa want to take? Antidepressants.

3. How many people in the world are estimated to have mental health problems? One person in every four.

4. Which expression is used to describe something that keeps repeating itself? Stuck on replay.

5. Which expression is used to describe something which appears suddenly? To pop up.

Exercise 练习

1. Sometimes I don't feel like leaving the house. I think I might be suffering from depression.

2. We didn't expect Mary to dine with us but she popped up unexpectedly.

3. John didn't earn much money. He felt anxious because of his low income.

4. Children should learn early to treat each other with respect. The school does not tolerate bullying.

5. My teacher said if I want to learn English I should repeat the new words I learn over and over again.
