

Part I

1. witness = observe v.目击

2. widespread = common adj.普遍的,广泛的

3. vulnerable = easily threatened by adj.易受攻击的

4. vicinity = area n.附近地区

5. verging on = bordering on 濒临

6. unrivaled = unequaled adj.无敌的

7. unpredictable = variable adj.不可预知的

8. unprecedented = never before seen = never happened before adj.空前的

9. unfavorable = negative adj.不利的

10. the course of change = the way the change developed 改变的过程

11. temporary = for the short term adj.暂时的

12. temporarily = briefly adv.短暂地

13. sustain = maintain v.维持

14. suitable = appropriate adj.合适的

15. sufficiently = enough adv.充分地

16. substantially = significantly adv.实质上

17. substantial = large adj.大量的

18. strictly = only adv.严格意义上

19. strategy = plan n. 策略

20. soared = increased dramatically v.骤然上升

21. simultaneously = at the same time adv.与此同时

22. severity = seriousness n.严重性

23. severely = seriously adv.严重地

24. be sensitive to = affect adj.对…敏感

25. segregated = separated v.隔离

26. sculpt = shape v.塑形

27. rudimentary = primitive adj.原始的

28. routinely = regularly adv.例行公事地

29. rival = competitor n.对手

30. rigid = exact adj.严格的

31. retain = preserve v.维持

32. resume = start again v.重新开始

33. respectively = in the order presented adv.依次

34. resemble = be similar to v.类似

35. remote = isolated adj.遥远的

36. remnants = remainders n.剩余物

37. remarkable = impressive adj.非凡的

38. relentless = without pause adj.不间断的

39. relatively = comparatively adv.相对而言

40. relative to = compared to adj.相对于

41. regardless of = no matter 不顾

42. refine = improve v.改善

43. recognize = know v.认出,识别

44. recall = remember v.回想起

45. readily = easily adv.容易地

46. pursue = engage in v.从事

47. prosperity = wealth n.繁荣

48. proportions = size n.大小,规模

49. properties = characteristics n.性能,特点

50. prompts = stimulates v.促进

51. prolonged = extended adj.延长的

52. presumed = supposed v.假定

53. presumably = reasonable assumption adv.大概是

54. practically = almost adv.几乎

55. potential = possible adj.潜在的

56. plausible = likely adj.(借口或解释)说得通的

57. persistent = continuous adj.持续的

58. permanent = constant adj.永久的

59. particular = specific adj.特定的

60. overall = general adj.大体的

61. outbreak = sudden increase n.爆发

62. ostentatious = showy adj.招摇的

63. ongoing = continuing adj.正在进行的

64. offset =balanced v.抵消

65. occasionally = sometimes adv.偶尔

66. notwithstanding = despite prep.尽管

67. nonetheless = in spite of this adv.尽管如此

68. mutual = shared adj.共同的

69. mundane = ordinary adj.平凡的

70. motives = reasons n.动机

71. more permeable = had more places where crossings could occur adj.更容易渗透的

72. modify = change v.修改

73. modest = small adj.(数量或体积)小的

74. mobilize = put into action v.动员,调动

75. merely = only adv.仅仅

76. meagerly = partly adv.少地

77. maintained = claimed v.声称

78. magnified = increased v.放大

79. lethal = deadly adj.致命的

80. laboriously = making much effort adv.费力地

81. isolated = separated v.使隔离

82. intense = strong adj.强烈的

83. initiating = starting v.开始

84. inherently = naturally adv.内在地,固有地

85. ingenious = innovative adj.有独创性的

86. incorporate = contain v.包含

87. inadvertently = accidently = unintentionally adv.无意地

88. in profusion = abundantly 大量

89. in conjunction with = together with 与…一起

90. hastening = hurrying v.加速

91. guard = protect v.保卫

92. fulfill = achieve v.履行,实现

93. foundation = basis n.基础

94. fluctuations = variations n.波动

95. features = aspects n.特征

96. feat = achievement n.功绩,壮举

97. favorable = advantageous adj.有利的

98. extensive = considerable adj.大量的

99. exploit = make use of v.利用

100. exclusively = only adv.仅仅

101. excessive = too many = too much adj.过多的

102. eventually = in the end = finally adv.最终地

103. essential = crucial adj.关键的

104. entailed = necessitated v.需要

105. enhancing = increasing v.增加

106. enduring = lasting adj.持久的

107. encountered = came into contact with v.遇到

108. emit = release v.释放

109. eminent = distinguished adj.杰出的

110. emergence = appearance n.出现

111. embrace = adopt v.接受

112. elevated = upward adj.提升的

113. edge = advantage n.优势

114. drastically = extremely adv.剧烈地

115. drastic = very significant adj.重大的

116. dramatic = remarkable adj.显著的

117. documented = recorded v.记录

118. distinguish = separate v.区分

119. distinctive = characteristic adj.特色鲜明的

120. distinct = clear adj.明显的

121. disrupted = interfered with = destroyed v.扰乱

122. dispersed = spread v.分散

123. dismiss = reject v.不予考虑

124. discrete = distinct adj.各自的

125. discrepancy = difference n.不一致

126. diffused = spread v.散布

127. devastated = severely damaged v.彻底摧毁

128. deteriorating = worsening v.恶化

129. detected = noticed v.察觉

130. derived = obtained v.获得

131. dense = closely placed adj.稠密的

132. degree = level n.程度

133. decisive = determining adj.决定性的

134. decimation = destruction n.大量毁灭

135. debate = argue about v.争论

136. crucial = very important adj.至关重要的

137. corresponds to = matches 对应

138. core = center n.核心

139. convey = transmit v.传递

140. converge = meet = come together v.聚集

141. constant = continual adj.连续不断的

142. consistency = regularity n.一致性

143. conceivable = imaginable adj.可想像的

144. compromise = weaken v.危害

145. complexity = sophistication n.复杂

146. compilations = collections n.汇编

147. compensate for = make up for 补偿

148. comparable = similar adj. 可比较的

149. coalesced = joined v.合并,联合

150. cited = mentioned v.引用

151. boosting = increasing v.提高

152. bizarre = strange adj.奇怪的

153. barring = excluding v.禁止

154. artificial = human-made adj.人造的

155. appreciation = understanding n.欣赏



156. appeal = attraction n.吸引

157. apparently affects = seems to affect 看样子影响

158. apparent = obvious adj.明显的

159. anticipate = predict v.预期

160. ambiguous = unclear adj.模棱两可的

161. allowing = making possible adj.允许

162. allied = related adj.相关联的

163. allegedly = supposedly adv.据称

164. adjustable = adaptable adj.可调节的

165. accompany = occur along with v.伴随…发生

166. accommodated = allowed v.容纳

167. abruptly = suddenly adv. 突然地

168. abrupt = sudden adj.突然的

169. a case in point = a good example 一个恰如其分的例子

170. surge = sudden increase n.激增

171. wealth of data = a lot of information 大量的数据

172. abandoned = left v.遗弃

173. abundance = wealth n.充足

174. accelerated = speeded up v.加速

175. acclaimed = praised v.称赞

176. accompanied = occurred together v.伴随发生

177. account for = explain v.解释

178. be accustomed to = be used to doing 习惯于

179. acquired = obtained v.获得

180. adapt = adjust v.使适应

181. addressed = dealt with v.应对

182. adept = skilled adj.娴熟的

183. adequate = rich = sufficient adj.充足的

184. be adjacent to = be next to 邻近

185. adjacent = nearby = neighboring adj. 毗邻的

186. admirably = very well adv.值得赞赏地

187. admiration for = high opinion of 钦佩

188. adopting = starting to use v.采用

189. advent = arrival n.到来

190. adverse = negative = unfavorable adj.不利的

191. advocate = argue for = support v.主张

192. cluster = group v.聚集

193. aggregate = collect v.聚集

194. aggregations = groups n.聚合物

195. aim = goal n.目标

196. be akin to = be similar to 近似

197. albeit = although conj.虽然

198. alternate = take turns v.交替

199. alternative = different adj.可供替代的

200. ambitious = impressive but difficult to achieve adj.野心勃勃的

201. amplify = increase v.放大

202. anchored = held in place v.固定

203. annihilated = destroyed v.毁灭

204. anonymous = unidentified adj.匿名的

205. anticipate = expect v.预期

206. apart from = besides 除..之外

207. apparently = seemingly adv.看上去

208. appealing = attractive adj.吸引人的

209. appreciably = significantly adv.可观地

210. appreciated = recognized v.赏识

211. approaching = nearing v.靠近

212. aptitude = ability n.天资

213. arduous = difficult adj.费力的

214. preserved = buried v.保存

215. articulate = expressive adj.善于表达的

216. ascend = go up v.上升

217. assertion = claim n.声称

218. assess = evaluate v.评估

219. associated = related adj.相关联的

220. astonishment = surprise n.惊讶

221. at intervals = periodically 间或

222. at odds with = in disagreement with 与…意见不一致

223. attest = confirm v.证明

224. augment = add to = supplement v.增加

225. autonomous = independent adj.自治的

226. baffled = puzzled v.使困惑

227. bare = it is not covered by leaves adj.光秃秃的,

228. be incorporated into = be part of 被融入

229. booming = rapidly growing adj.蓬勃发展的,

230. broadened = expanded v.拓展,扩大

231. bunches = groups n.束,群

232. capacity = ability n.能力

233. catastrophe = disaster n.灾难

234. ceases = stops v.停止

235. chaotic = disorganized adj.混乱的

236. chronology = a list that pairs past events with dates n.年表

237. coexisted = lived together v.共存

238. coincided with = happened at the same time v.同时发生

239. collapsed = fell inward v.崩塌

240. collective = group adj.集体的

241. collectively = as a whole adv.共同地

242. commonplace = ordinary = usual adj.普通的

243. compacted = compressed together v.把…紧压在一起

244. compelling = convincing = persuasive adj.有说服力的

245. complex = complicated adj.复杂的

246. components = pieces n.构成

247. compose = make up v.组成

248. comprehensive = complete adj.全面的

249. comprise = consist of v.由…组成

250. conceal = hide v.隐藏

251. concede = admit unwillingly v.承认

252. conceivably = believably adv.可信地

253. concept = idea n.概念

254. concerns = worries n.担心

255. conclude = determine v.断定

256. concurred with = agreed with 同意

257. confirm = prove v.证实

258. congestion = overcrowding n.堵塞

259. consequent = resulting adj.作为结果的

260. consequently = as a result = therefore adv. 因此

261. considerable = significant adj.可观的

262. considerably = greatly adv.极大地

263. consist of = be made up of 由…构成

264. consistent = doesn’t change significantly = the same = unvarying adj.一致的

265. conspicuous = easily noticed adj.显眼的

266. constant = regularly occurring adj.连续发生的,重复的

267. constituent = component n.组成部分

268. constitutes = makes up v.组成

269. constrained = forced v.强迫

270. constraints = limitations = restrictions n.约束

271. constructed = created v.建造

272. consumed = used up v.消耗

273. contending = competitive adj.竞争的

274. contention = argument n.争论

275. continuous = uninterrupted adj.持续的

276. continuously = constantly adv.连续不断地

277. contract = reduce v.收缩

278. contradictory = conflicting adj.相矛盾的

279. contribute to = add to 有助于

280. controversial = debated adj.有争议的

281. controversy = disagreement n.争议

282. conventional = traditional adj.传统的

283. converge = come together v.聚集

284. copious = abundant adj.大量的,丰富的

285. correlated = associated adj.相关的

286. corroborated = confirmed v.证实

287. counterpart = equivalent n.(地位或作用)相当的人或物

288. courteous = polite adj.有礼貌的

289. culminate = end v.(以某种结果)告终

290. culmination = high point n.顶点

291. cultivated = encouraged the growth of v.培育

292. cumulatively = altogether adv.累积地

293. customarily = commonly adv.通常

294. cycle = pattern of events that repeats itself n.循环

295. decaying = rotting v.腐烂

296. deciphering = figuring out v.破译,辨认(难认、难解的东西)

297. decisive = determining adj.决定性的

298. deduce = infer v.推断

299. defining = identifying v.界定,明确

300. delicate = carefully protected adj.脆弱的

301. demand = require v.要求

302. dense = thick adj.浓密的

303. denser = more crowded adj.更密集的

304. depositing = putting v.放置

305. derive from = come from = obtained… from 源于;从…获得

306. designation = identification n.选定

307. determinants = causes n.决定因素

308. devastating = extremely destructive adj.毁灭性的

309. dictated = determined v.决定

310. diffusion = dispersal = spread n.分散

311. diminished = reduced v.减少

312. discarded = abandoned v.抛弃

313. disintegrating = breaking apart 分解

314. dispersal = distribution n.分散

315. dispersed = scattered = spread v.散布

316. disrupt = disturb v.打乱


