
Dale. I need you to do something for me.Yes, sir.Somewhere between "sir" and "dude," okay?Yeah.I need you to find a woman named Martina Slovis.

- S-L-O-V-I-S. - Martina Slovis.She used to live in Cobble Hill. Dropped out of Brooklyn Law. And this is only for me. Got it?You know I do.

We got it.We ran down Everything this guy ever signed or signed up for, and on April 25, William Stearn's Silver Elite card was logged into the Downtown Marriott in Des Moines, Iowa. Now he paid cash for the hotel room, but he couldn't turn down the reward points.Every man is a junkie for something. Find it, find him, and you did. Excellent.Here's our researcher. Clayton Grunwald. We're heading to Iowa to jump him. Aiming to have an affidavit in your hands by Friday.Christ.Hello, Chuck.I'm sorry. We had a sit-down scheduled.Can we talk? –

It's okay.You want him here?

What have I got to hide?Is it true you've launched a full-scale investigation of Axe Capital?I'm not gonna answer that, and you know it.You have heard the rumors that Axe Capital is shuttering? The word is they're pulling their positions.Hey, Dimonda, my office just charged 17 people in a massive heroin conspiracy in Rockland County, sent a corrupt mayor to prison, and indicted a serial killer. Incredible stories I bet the American people are dying to read about.What the fuck?Hey, p-pulling positions? You -- you knew about this?No. Get Sacker to call her hedgie friends. Find out if he's really closing down.You got it.

Hey, babe.Um...which one of us has, uh, softball duty tonight?Mm, it's your turn, I thought.Right, right. Sorry. So much bullshit I'm dealing with here, I lost track. How 'bout you? How are things?At work?Yeah, wherever.Everything's Great.Great.I'm about to start a session. I'll call you back, okay?Okay. Love ya.

He's still not back. This is not good.Well...we've been here before.No, we actually haven't. He wants me to tell our top investors we're winding down.Okay.I don't know what the fuck is going on, but this isn't burnout. This isn't, "I gotta go play the Scottish courses" or run away for a week to basketball fantasy camp. This is some kind of bullshit midlife meltdown.Whatever it is, it's not bullshit. For most of human history, we all would've been dead by now.We get to this age and we think, "What the fuck am I still doing here?" It's disorienting.See, that's what he needs -- some of that black magic.- Go talk to him. –

No, it's only been a few days. He's still processing it himself. What do the PMs know?That I need them to close down the positions, not stampede the fuck out of the corral.But they're instinctive creatures, and without knowing exactly why, they feel antsy, which leads them to feeling restless, which leads to motherfucking anarchy if we don't rein it in. What do I do about the investors?Have Axe talk to them... himself. Make it real for him.



rein it in 阻止它/控制它 anarchy n. 无政府状态; 混乱; 无法无天;

affidavit n. 宣誓书; 附誓书面证词

conspiracy n. 密谋策划; 阴谋;

wind down. 逐渐减少(业务或活动)至终止;逐步结束还有一个意思是(疲劳或紧张后)放松一下、放松

burnout. 职业倦怠;精疲力竭;过度劳累

midlife meltdown 中年危机

disorienting v. 使迷失方向; 使觉得迷惘;

stampede v. (使) 狂奔,涌向; 使仓促行事;

corral n. (北美农牧场的) 畜栏,围栏;

antsy adj. 烦躁的; 坐立不安的;

restless adj. 坐立不安的; 不耐烦的; 没有真正休息的; 没有睡眠的;
