

temperature coefficient feedback (反应性)温度系数反馈

tangent of the loss angle (电容器的)损耗角正切

volume of current (电枢)安培,导体数,电流容积,电流量

substation department (电力公司)变电处

steam department (电力公司)热工科,热力设备科

test department (电力公司)试验科,试验所

decoupled mode (电站)孤岛运行方式

outdoor design (电站)露天布置

radioactive contamination of system water (电站)热网水的放射性污染

best point load (电站)最佳负荷、经济负荷

pin connection (电子管)管脚连接

weld time (电阻焊)焊接通电时间

temporary control curtain (毒物)控制屏

antipump device (断开运行后)重合闸闭锁装置

reunion (断裂)复合

transition ring (锻件)过渡环

internal fuel cycle (堆)内燃料循环

gamma heating (堆芯)γ加热

mid-height plane (堆芯)半高度面

transverse maximum-to-average-power ratio (堆芯)横断面最大功率与平均功率比

active height (堆芯)活性高度

critical size (堆芯)临界尺寸

melt-through accident (堆芯)全部熔化事故

baffle support flange (堆芯)围板支承法兰

infinite lattice (堆芯)无限栅格

lower internals storage stand (堆芯)下部构件存放台

hold-down column (堆芯)压紧柱,固定柱

lattice anisotropy (堆芯)栅格不均匀性,栅格各向异性

loaded radius (堆芯)装载半径

twin-turbine (对称)双流[型]汽轮机,弯接式水轮机

pressure above atmospheric (对大气压的)表压力

block sequence (多层焊)叠置次序

interpass temperature (多层焊的)层间温度

combination burner (多燃料)复合燃烧器
