

2019年1月18日,一名顾客在重新保税区商品展上选购进口商品 图源:新华社



ensure stability in employment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations



ensure security in job, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments



Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that while the novel coronavirus pandemic severely disrupted the Chinese economy, the country's business is getting back to normal. It is doing so with the help of government measures in an orderly resumption of work and production as well as epidemic prevention and control, he added.


"In the next step, the government will make a big push to ensure 'six priorities' and stability in six areas for steady economic momentum, with a key focus on creating jobs, using policy tools, expanding domestic demand, resuming work and production, deepening reforms and opening-up," Ning said at the news conference.


2020年5月25日,浙江金华金东区东湖畈现代农业粮食示范区,一群美丽的白鹭正在水田里觅食 图源:人民视觉

➤ 多措并举促进消费回升


The NDRC will take measures to boost consumption, including developing both online and offline consumption and innovating in new retail models such as smart supermarket and stores.

➤ 今年还将有一批重大外资项目陆续落地


China will continue to open up its economy to more foreign investment, and a number of key, foreign-funded projects are expected to be launched this year in fields such as electronic information, new materials and advanced manufacturing.


Particularly, China will resolve any issues that foreign companies may face in resuming work and production, and pro-business policies for domestic enterprises will apply equally to foreign firms.


In the next step, the government will shorten the negative list of areas off limits to foreign investors-all other areas are presumed to be open-and release a new version for 2020, pursuing higher-level opening-up in services, manufacturing and agriculture.

发展新动能new growth drivers

深化供给侧结构性改革deepen supply-side structural reform

保供稳价ensure stable supplies and prices

抗疫特别国债government bonds for COVID-19 control

就业优先政策the employment-first policy

贸易和投资自由化便利化liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment

稳就业保民生stabilize employment and ensure living standards



China Daily热词训练营(2019年版)

