The famous linguist Stephen Krashen published a book called Free voluntary reading.,我来为大家科普一下关于练习语法的最快方法?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



The famous linguist Stephen Krashen published a book called Free voluntary reading.

知名语言学家 Stephen Krashen 写了一本书叫做《自主阅读》。

And he claims that reading for pleasure in a foreign language may be one of the single most effective things that you can do in that language to learn the language better.


But it's not gonna be effective if you don't do it in the right way.


So in this video I'm gonna give you four steps that will allow you to take books that you actually want to read.


Read them in your foreign language and make this an effective way to build vocabulary and learn your language.


This channel is all about helping you learn how to learn languages in a way that's fast, fun and easy.


And I think that reading in a foreign language is definitely gonna make learning languages easier and way more fun.


So the first thing you need to do, if you're gonna use books as an effective tool for learning languages, is you need to find the right book for you.


That means you're gonna have to find books that are enjoyable to read.


Here I have 'The Game of Thrones' in Spanish which I read because I like 'The Game of Thrones'.


Maybe you like non-fiction books so I bought 'The four hour work week' in spanish.


We also need to find books that allow us to use comprehensible input, which means that you should be able to understand about seventy five to eighty percent of what you're reading but not everything.

我们对这本书还必须有一定的理解能力。换言之,你不用读懂全部,但你必须能读懂 75% 到 80%的内容。

Cause if you already understand everything you're reading, it's not gonna help you learn that much.


If you're a brand, brand new beginner to your language, you might want to pick up some children's books because the vocabulary is super easy.


It's not difficult at all to understand that this says one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.


There is a gradient of children's books.


This is " The Little Prince" , which is originally in French, but you can get this in any language.


And I highly recommend it because even though it's for children and it uses very basic vocabulary.


It's actually really deep and adults can enjoy it a lot as well.


I also suggest graphic novels because they give you pictures.


And you'll never be lost as long as you can follow the pictures.


And it's a great way for being able to follow along and learn in a foreign language.


A few weeks ago, I talked about using plays or any kind of theater because they use very short phrases.


And you always know exactly who's speaking.


And you can watch that video I posted a few weeks ago.


I'm not gonna go into detail here, but plays are a great way to learn.


And more than anything else, the best kind of book that you can read are books that you're already familiar with.


Here I have " Harry Potter" in French, Greek, and Spanish because these are all languages that I'm learning.


And I loved the " Harry Potter" books growing up, so I already know what's going on.


And I can really understand from context, or just from memory what's happening, even if I don't understand every single word.


And that's a big help for comprehension, and for building vocabulary.


And another important thing to remember is that shorter books are usually better.


You'll be more motivated when you see yourself progressing really quickly through the book.


And then you can go back and read it again, or you can move on to the next book, and this is a big motivating factor.


And the last step in finding the book that's right for you is where you're gonna get it.


I find Ebay to be the best place for getting used books because they're really cheap.

我发现 Ebay 是找二手书最好的地方,因为它们真的很便宜。

I usually use Wikipedia to find the name of that book in the foreign language.


Then I go to Ebay and find the book.

然后去 Ebay 找这本书。

And they can get shipped right to your door.


And you can't always go to the book store and find the book that you're looking for in the foreign language unless you live in that country,


But on Ebay you can get pretty much any book in any language.

但在 Ebay ,你能够找到几乎任何语言的任何书籍。

The second step in using books to learn a foreign language is you're just going to start reading purely for enjoyment, just because you like reading.


And because it's a story that's interesting to you.


Then you're going to get yourself a colored highlighter.


And every time you run into a word during the story that you don't understand, you're gonna highlight that word.


It's very important that you do not stop to look up the meaning of that word.


All you're going to do is highlight it.


That way you can come back later to look up the definition.


But you're not gonna stop and take the time to do it while you're reading.


You don't want to break the flow of your reading.


And this is a really important exercise that's gonna help you be comfortable with not understanding 100% of what you read.

这也是一个很好的练习,帮助你习惯不用读懂 100% 的内容。

I mean you have to get comfortable with that because you're not always gonna understand everything.


And try to just highlight one or two words per page maximum,


And preferably one word every two to three pages.


You don't want to highlight or underline every single word you don't understand.


That's gonna take too long, and you're gonna get overwhelmed.


Once you finish reading through the book one time just for enjoyment, we're gonna make a dictionary that is specific to you and to the book that you're reading.


You're gonna get an index card. And then you're gonna make a glossary that you tape right to the front of the book so that it's always there for you to reference every time you read the book from now on.


So to do this, you're just gonna flip through the book, you're gonna find every word that you've highlighted.


Then you're gonna go to wordreference. com or whatever website or app that it is that you use for translating words.

接着你可以去 wordreference 或是任何网址、应用程序把这些词汇翻译好。

You're gonna look up the highlighted words and then you're just gonna write them on the index card along with their definition.


Then you just tape it right to the front of the book.


And you'll always have this here as a reference every time you read through the book from now on.


And the final step for learning a new language with books is you're just gonna repeat steps two and three.


But, this time you have a quick reference to go to every time you run into a word you're not familiar with.


And every time you get to a new word, you're gonna remember that this is a word you're trying to memorize.


Now, don't go immediately to the dictionary that you taped to the cover of the book.


What you're gonna do is use this as a sort of mini quiz that you can use to test yourself and see if you can remember that word.


These few seconds where you're actually exerting yourself, trying to remember the meaning, it's proven that this short period of time is actually very beneficial in helping you remember that word in the future.


So you're gonna take a minute and try to remember the word.


And if you absolutely can't, then you flip to the beginning of the book, and that's when you look at your dictionary.


And of course, as you read through the second time, you're gonna get yourself a different color highlighter.


And when you're done with the book, you're gonna make yourself a second dictionary that you'll also tape to the cover.


Read through this book three or four times, and you should be able to understand every single word in the entire book.


And if you think about it, this book took me several months to read, and there's a lot of words in here.


And I'm able to understand all of them now because I use this method.


So thanks a ton for watching my video.

