Liang Zi was a month older than me when we were 17.

At that age when he always thought the world was wrong and love was beautiful, he took my hand and called me a girl. He often accompanied me running crazy on the playground behind the school and gave me a warm hug after I quarreled with my parents. The first time I stood on tiptoe and kissed him, he turned red before me. Looking at his shy appearance, I suddenly want to go on with him all my life.

One night after self-study, we walked hand in hand on the big playground. Somehow we talked about things other than hugging and kissing. It was very dark, and no one could see the expression on anyone's face. We twisted and twisted, but pretended to be calm and talked about the things that were hazy to us.




That day, we talked very late. Until I returned to the dormitory, my heart was still pounding. My little heart seems to have planted the seeds of curiosity, desperately trying to sprout. I think Liang Zi may be the same, but he is shy and won't say it.

The next day, I had lunch with him as usual. Sitting face to face, we were all a little embarrassed. We all laughed and asked each other what happened at the same time. After a moment of silence, the heart looks at each other. An idea came into my mind and whispered, "let's spend the night together on my 18th birthday. I want you to help me finish my adult ceremony."

His face flushed from the roots of his ears to his forehead. I looked at him with a warm heart and a sense of sanctity for the arrival of 18.




Three months before the college entrance examination, my 18th birthday. I took a serious bath at home, put on my new clothes, called Liangzi and asked him if he was ready. He kept panting and stuttered. When I arrived at the appointed meeting place, Liang Zi was already waiting for me. He was also in new clothes.

He looked at me and I looked at him and smiled unnaturally. None of us spoke. We took out our pocket money and put it together. We unfolded and sorted it out one by one. Everything seemed very solemn. Liang Zi nervously buried himself in counting the money. I looked at the sweat on his forehead. His heart suddenly jumped up like an electric shock.

Liang Zi held the money in one hand and me in the other. We slipped into a hotel like thieves. His hands were sweating and my palms were wet.




When I opened the room, I hid away with my back to the counter for fear that the waiter would see from my ID card that Liang Zi had just turned 18. Finally, I successfully paid the money, took the room card and walked into the room temporarily belonging to the two of us. As soon as I entered the room, Liang Zi rushed into the bathroom, and then came the sound of water, which strongly impacted my eardrum.

I sat by the bed, holding my skirt involuntarily, jumping like a little rabbit in my heart. I got into bed and thought of what was going to happen. My face burned

But ten minutes later, we checked out. Things didn't go on as we expected. Liang Zi was crying when he came out of the bathroom. I didn't know what had happened and rushed over in a hurry. He held me tightly in his arms and said incoherently, "ah Yan, let's go back... I don't want to hurt you... We... We have to take the college entrance examination..."




He turned his back to me, and I dressed silently behind him. Dressed, we left the hotel.

My 18-year-old bar mitzvah ended dramatically. Later, we still walked and laughed on the playground hand in hand, but no one mentioned those things anymore.

Many years later, I suddenly remembered Liang Zi's back in the hotel. From that moment on, the figure I watched silently when I was dressed was no longer the figure of a boy, but the figure of a man - Liang Zi was interpreting his commitment to me and his due responsibility as an 18-year-old man from the moment he waited for me to dress.

It turned out that my 18-year-old adult ceremony created another person's growth.





