背单词真的好累~~~~单词背了忘,忘了背,反反复复,没有效果,下面我们就来聊聊关于45 天英语单词速记?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!

45 天英语单词速记(快速通关英语词汇5k)

45 天英语单词速记





从今天开始winni老师带领中高考学子快速通关词汇5k ,不管你是参加中考还是高考,我们一步到位!让背单词不再成为我们的烦恼,winni 老师也是受到宋维刚老师母语级词汇教学的启发和学习,将经验分享给大家



2.-form- 形式,格式,形成,形状

deform = de form v. 变形 adj. 畸形的

deform = de 分离,分开 form 形式

deformity = deform ity n. 畸形;畸形的人或者物

deformity = de 分离,分开 form 形式 ity 名词后缀

deformation = deform ation n. 变形

deformation = de 分离,分开 form 形式 ation复合名词后缀


You can work out how much force you need to deform a material by a certain amount. 你可以计算出要使一种材料变形需要多大的力。

If we draw a line… from the bottom of the San Andreas up to the Hoover Dam… it almost literally follows the Colorado River.. which is a natural deformation event. 如果我们画一条线,从San Andreas底部一直到Hoover大坝,它几乎是沿着Colorado河画的。这是一个天然变形事件。

And geologically… deformation events mark boundaries. 在地质学上,变形事件标志着边界。

And my awesome little brother with a facial deformity. 还有我帅气的面部畸形的弟弟。

Do l have to gaze at your deformity every time I walk to my bed? 我每次走到床上都要看着你的畸形吗?

Looks like a deformity. I'll fix that. 看起来像个畸形。我将解决这个问题。

l'd wager there's some deformity that'd be scientifically significant. 我打赌一定有某种畸形是有科学意义的。

The only abnormality in the victim is a slight deformity of the bones in his feet, of an earlier date. We did not attention a significance to this. 死者唯一的异常是他脚上的骨头有轻微的畸形,是在更早的时候。我们没有注意到这一点的重要性。
