



Delhi air quality: Judges accuse authorities of 'passing the buck'

passing the buck: 踢皮球

India's top court has accused state governments of "passing the buck" on air pollution and failing to take action to tackle Delhi's toxic smog. The Supreme Court said authorities were only interested in "gimmicks", rather than concrete measures to combat pollution levels.

take action: 采取行动

toxic smog:有毒雾霾

concrete measures:有力措施

combat pollution levels:控制空气污染水平

Levels of dangerous particles in the air - known as PM2.5 - are at well over 10 times safe limits in the capital. City authorities have responded by launching a car rationing system.

dangerous particles:危险颗粒物

at well over:远远超过

safe limits:安全极限

car rationing system:车辆控制系统

"Delhi is choking every year and we are unable to do anything," said Supreme Court Justice Arun Mishra. "The state machinery is not acting… They are passing the buck to each other... Everybody is interested in gimmicks and elections."



From 4 to 15 November, cars with odd or even number plates will only be allowed on the roads on alternate days, officials said. Such a system has been used before but it is not clear if it helps lower pollution levels. Cars are not believed to be the main cause of Delhi's toxic air, with experts pointing instead to crop burning by farmers in neighbouring states to clear fields.

odd or even number plates: 单双数车牌号

lower pollution levels:降低污染水平

be the main cause of...:...的主要原因

toxic air:有毒空气

crop burning:燃烧农作物

Health officials have asked people to stay indoors and refrain from doing any physical activity as millions are at risk of respiratory illness. Schools are closed until Tuesday and the shutdown is likely to be extended until Friday as the city chokes under a thick blanket of smog.

refrain from doing any physical activity:不要从事任何体力活动

at risk of...:有...的风险

respiratory illness:呼吸道疾病

under a thick blanket of smog:在浓雾中

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the car rationing system, known as the "odd-even plan", would take hundreds of thousands of cars off the road. Those ignoring the rule face a fine of 4,000 rupees (£44; $56) - double that of previous years.

take hundreds of thousands of cars off the road:导致几十万辆车没法上路

face a fine of...:面临着...的罚款

What's caused the pollution?

Experts say emissions from vehicles are just one of several factors that have turned the city into - in Mr Kejriwal's words - a "gas chamber".

emissions from vehicles:车辆尾气排放

gas chamber:有毒气室

A major cause of the high pollution levels at this time of year is farmers in neighbouring states burning crop stubble to clear their fields. This creates a lethal cocktail of particulate matter and gases - carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide - all worsened by fireworks set off during the Hindu festival of Diwali a week ago. Construction and industrial emissions have also contributed to the smog.

high pollution levels:污染严重

fireworks set off:被燃放的烟花

a lethal cocktail of particulate matter and gases:颗粒物质和各种气体的危险混合物

contributed to the smog:加剧了雾霾

Efforts to identify a cause have sparked a row between state and federal politicians, with Mr Kejriwal calling on the neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana to crack down on crop burning. Federal Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar accused Mr Kejriwal of politicising the issue and painting his neighbours as "villains". The Supreme Court also summoned the chief secretaries of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states to appear before it to answer questions about efforts to tackle stubble burning.

spark a row:摩擦出火花

call on...to...:要求...做...

crack down on:严厉打击

tackle stubble burning:控制燃烧农作物秸秆

The level of PM2.5 - tiny particulates that can enter deep into the lungs - was at one point seven times higher than in the Chinese capital Beijing, which has battled similar pollution problems in recent years. Five million masks were handed out in schools on Friday.

tiny particulates:微小颗粒

battled similar pollution problems:和类似的空气污染问题作斗争

Why has it been so bad in recent years?

Part of the reason is a change in crop cycles and harvesting in the agricultural states of Punjab and Haryana. A decade ago the two states passed identical laws intended to preserve ground water, which effectively compelled farmers to plant their rice crops in mid-June rather than at the end of April, as was the tradition. This was to enable them to make use of monsoonal rains to grow the heavily water-dependent crop.

preserve ground water:保护地下水

monsoonal rains:季节雨水

heavily water-dependent crop:严重依赖水的农作物

The delay in the planting cycle meant the harvesting cycle was also delayed. Farmers now have much less time to prepare their fields for the next crop cycle and burning stubble is a cheap and effective way to clear the land. Unfortunately, this coincides with changing wind patterns over Delhi and the rest of north India.

planting cycle:种植周期

harvesting cycle:收获周期

coincide with...:和...同时发生

Health tips: How to cope

India's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has recommended some guidelines for residents of Delhi to cope with the elevated smog levels.

elevated smog levels:升高的雾霾浓度

They include avoiding strenuous activities and hard labour if possible, and exercising indoors. When outdoors, avoiding main roads and congested areas can help, as smaller roads and bylanes tend to be less polluted. Wearing a mask can help filter out pollutants, but simple surgical masks or comfort masks will not. A smog mask with a respirator is recommended. Do not burn rubbish or other discarded items outdoors, and try to avoid or share car trips to reduce the number of cars on the road.

strenuous activities:剧烈运动

congested area:拥堵地区

filter out pullutants:过滤污染物

A smog mask with a respirator:带有防毒呼吸器的雾霾面罩

share car trips:共享车辆
