27. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Keeping Fit by Eating Smart

B. Balancing Our Daily Diet

C. Making Yourself a Perfect Chef

D. Cooking Well for Less

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本文是先总后分式结构,所以27题要回到第1段找到相关信息:{showing families {how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals} <on a tight budget>},所以答案选D. Cooking Well for Less,其余3个选项的干扰手法叫偷梁换柱。


第1句:<With food {our biggest weekly household expense}>, Susanna and Matt spend time <with a different family> <each week>.

第1个介词短语with food,可以看作是方式状语,{our biggest weekly household expense}是food的同位语,说明饮食是家庭每月的最大消费。第2个with是spend time with sb.短语中与动词的搭配。

第2句:<In tonight's Easter special> they come to <the aid of a family [in need of some delicious inspiration <on a budget>]>.

这是个简单句,<In tonight's Easter special>是地点状语,后面“得到一个什么家庭的帮助下”可以看成是介词宾语。

第3句:The team (S)transforms (V)the family's long weekend of celebration (O)<with less expensive but still tasty recipes>.

这是一个含transform A with B动词短语的简单句,意思是把复活节周末长时间的庆祝聚餐减少花费却仍然吃得有滋有味。
