


What lies at the core of martial arts – technique or strength?


The answer is basic skills.


A monk named Shi Yanliang has been daily practicing basic skills for 10 years at the Shaolin Temple, as Shaolin martial arts require a solid foundation, especially when it comes to featured weapons.


基本功训练为练武打下扎实基础。A solid foundation of basic skills is essential in martial arts. /CGTN


Shi Yanliang excels at using broadswords, a kind of a weapon often presented in stage performances. The blades are thinner and softer than the traditional broadswords. Crisp sounds are made as one wields them, creating a mesmerizing stage effect.


释延亮,少林寺武僧团教练。Shi Yanliang is the coach of the team of Shaolin monks. /CGTN


Although they are only used for stage performances, it is not easy at all. It is about combining footwork with the swings of the two broadswords. The presentation involves several moves, including jumping and falling. In this way, it poses pretty high requirements on those aspiring to practice it.


释延亮擅长表演双刀。Shi Yanliang excels at double broadsword. /CGTN


The first thing is the control of the body strength, especially the wrists. One needs basic physical training to increase lung capacity and strengthen arms. In order to strengthen wrists, arms, waist and legs, Shi Yanliang practices basic skills every day, such as tossing stone padlocks and practicing cudgel tricks.


扔石锁有利于对身体力量的掌控。Tossing stone padlocks is helpful in learning to control the body strength. /CGTN


Moreover, simultaneous movement of both hands requires a great command over both left and right sides of the brain. Dual weapon usage is difficult because it requires a high degree of coordination.


Shi is always conscious of the need to improve coordination. Therefore, in his everyday life, he tries to use both his hands to eat and do other things, which also makes his wrists more flexible.


双兵器的难度在于如何掌握身体的协调性。Dual weapon usage is difficult because it requires a high degree of coordination. /CGTN


The Shaolin Temple also organizes international exchanges and performances to promote Shaolin martial arts. As the coach of the Shaolin monks' team, Shi often choreographs for the team. But the most important task is to lead the team in practicing basic skills every day. Martial arts cannot be mastered in a single day. The practitioners need to turn every move into muscle memory.


释延亮带领武僧团,每日练习基本功。Shi Yanliang leads the team in practicing basic skills every day. /CGTN


"As long as you do it well and stick to it, you are a kungfu master," Says Shi.


Kungfu can strengthen body as well as one's mind and willpower. Shi hopes the world can understand Chinese kungfu better and understand the spirit of Shaolin through their exchanges and performances.


释延亮,少林寺武僧团教练。Shi Yanliang is the coach of the team of Shaolin monks. /CGTN
