文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记),下面我们就来聊聊关于美国公布独立宣言日期?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



文 / 王不留(考研英语笔记)

插播一段昨天译文《肠道微生物群可以导致自闭、多动、焦虑和抑郁 | 经济学人全球早报精选20211115》的部分修订。

感谢 @静 的指正。

In the future sex-specific probiotics might be designed to treat more than poor digestion.

应翻译成 “在未来,针对不同性别的益生菌可能被设计用于治疗消化不良以外的疾病。”



Reloaded: “The 1619 Project”

In 2019, on the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves’ arrival in America, the New York Times Magazine published “The 1619 Project”. The award-winning take on the country’s history argued that race and the legacy of slavery are so central to American history and culture that 1619 should be considered the country’s true founding date. On Tuesday the magazine will publish a book-length expanded version, “The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story”.

Some historians criticised the earlier endeavour for having sacrificed accuracy for political expediency. The expanded version gives greater context to its central thesis. Whether it has successfully addressed the critics’ objections does matter. The original text became a call to arms for those on both sides of America's history wars, inspiring approbation and rage in equal measure. Partisans on both sides will be keen to see the redraft.

Reloaded: “The 1619 Project”



“1619项目”是《纽约时报杂志》(The New York Times Magazine)于2019年8月发起的一项互动项目,时值美国奴隶制诞生400周年之际,旨在重新审视美国奴隶制的影响和美国黑人所做出的贡献,重新定义美国对奴隶制历史的理解。

也正因为该系列报道,项目创作者、撰稿人尼克尔·汉娜·琼斯(Nikole Hannah Jones)获得了2020年普利策新闻奖的评论奖。

In 2019, on the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves’ arrival in America, the New York Times Magazine published “The 1619 Project”. The award-winning take on the country’s history argued that race and the legacy of slavery are so central to American history and culture that 1619 should be considered the country’s true founding date. On Tuesday the magazine will publish a book-length expanded version, “The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story”.


slaves 奴隶 ; 完全受控制的人 ; 完全依赖的人 ; 从动装置 ; 苦干 ; 辛勤地工作 ; slave的第三人称单数和复数

award-winning 获奖的

take on 承担,接受 ; 呈现,显出 ; 上,装,补充 ; 雇用 ; 录用 ; 与较量 ; 接受…的挑战 ; 擅自决定 ; 自作主张

argued 争论 ; 争吵 ; 争辩 ; 论证 ; 说理 ; 证明 ; 表明 ; argue的过去分词和过去式

legacy 遗产 ; 遗赠财物 ; 遗留 ; 后遗症

slavery 奴隶身份 ; 奴隶制 ; 蓄奴

founding 成立的 ; 创办的 ; 建立的 ; 创建,创办 ; 建立,兴建 ; 把…基于 ; 把…建立在 ; found的现在分词

publish 出版 ; 发行 ; 发表,刊登,登载 ; 发表,公布

expanded 扩大,增加,增强 ; 扩展,发展 ; 细谈 ; 详述 ; 详细阐明 ; expand的过去分词和过去式

Some historians criticised the earlier endeavour for having sacrificed accuracy for political expediency. The expanded version gives greater context to its central thesis. Whether it has successfully addressed the critics’ objections does matter. The original text became a call to arms for those on both sides of America's history wars, inspiring approbation and rage in equal measure. Partisans on both sides will be keen to see the redraft.


sacrificed 牺牲 ; 献出 ; 以作祭献 ; sacrifice的过去分词和过去式

expediency 权宜之计 ; 不得已而做的事

objections 反对的理由 ; 反对 ; 异议 ; objection的复数

original text 原文

approbation 认可 ; 批准

redraft 改写 ; 重新起草 ; 改写的草稿,反汇票



而2019年8月《纽约时报杂志》策划的特刊“1619项目”(the 1619 Project)一经推出,马上遭到了历史学界的强烈反弹。历史学家们虽然政治观点各异,但一致表达了反对意见,指出其许多不准确和遗漏之处。




