




Exhibition: Formation and Evolution


Artists: Fan Bo, Liu Ke, TangYinjiu


Curator: GuZhenqing


Exhibition time: March26- April 25, 2019



Add: 22/F, North Point Industrial Building, No. 499 King’s Rd, North Point, HK


Organizer:Winsage International Group, Trealm Culture and Arts Co., Ltd


Co-organizer: Boxes ArtMuseum, The Fashion Door


Contact Number:00852-25282526


Winsage International Group and TrealmCulture and Arts Co., Ltd is very pleased to announce that we will have theopening ceremony of “Formation and Evolution” at the 22/F of North PointIndustrial Building at 4.p.m on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 in Hongkong. Theexhibition is curated by internationally renowned curator GuZhenqing. In“Formation and Evolution” the curator attaches importance on the concerns ofthe veins of art history and he also inserts his updated concept ofcontemporary art in his related article”Formation and Evolution”. The artists inthis exhibition are: Fan Bo, Liu Ke and Tang Yinjiu.. There will be astonishingnewly created art works by the three artists to be seen on site in theexhibition.



“Here, points, lines andplanes, the three dimensional composition and the layouts, proportions andlevels of colors, moreover the formation of art in the limitation of space aregradually replaced by the metaphorical contexts, the pictorial elucidation andthe symbolic texts.As the title has hinted, “Formation and Evolution” is alsothe interactions between artists Fan Bo, Liu Ke, Tang Yinjiu and the externalworld. The artists no longer play the role of omniscient and omnipotent god,but insightfully they investigate and analyze the materialized objects whichthey want to express in great details.They are more willingly to regard thematerialized object as another subject. Toavoid blindly objectifying them.Therefore, the "face-to-face" relationship with the materializedobject is regarded as a kind of dialogue in a symbiotic relationship betweenman and the external world. Furthermore, with dynamic logical thinking model,the artists deal with the chaotic materialized objects and their variables, andthey express their materialized sense of natural, spiritual and socialexistence in their specific skilled artistic forms. In the works of Fan Bo, LiuKe and Tang Yinjiu, there is often a dynamic formation and evolution betweenpersons and objects; words, spirit and objects. Hence, the rules of evolutionnot only influence the current structures of images and texts, but also guidethe thinking innovation and knowledge production in the future.”

——Formation and Evolution, Guzhenqing


范勃 Fan Bo


范勃Fan Bo,世界3(World3),装置 Installation ,2017



“Fan Bo is not creating art to expresssensory perception, but to explore new possibilities of art createon bydepending on and using sensory perceptions. For the artists, the informationprovided by the explicit and tacit perceptive experience is undoubtedly animportant basis for intervention and discussion. What he is cautions of is thatman is always the center or an argument that holds art as a spiritualpracticeand a process of understanding the reality of the world. Reproducing the authenticityof the world and discussing the authenticity of the world through visual presentationis one of the capabilities of contemporary art. “

——Olaf Reis


范勃Fan Bo再制造-----贺卡Remanufacturing-greeting card, mixed-media oncanvas,2018



“Such a rich and variegated age is meanings.The age, reflected by all kinds of images, are veiled from the blind. Thus,only the blind are able to silent the muss and fuss of the present, breakingthe curse of the society of the spectacle. “

——Wang Min-an,

刘可 Liu Ke


刘可 Liu Ke,通道之二 Object and liberty No.2,mixed-media on canvas, 2019


Liu Kebelieves that art is the realization of manypossibilities and it is the advantures of unknown boundaries(phenomenon or language). He believes that the expansionofthe boundaries of art history is the value ofartists and their pursuits. In the explorations of materials, colors, languagesand meanings, he constantly searches the possibilities of thegrowth of cognition.His main works include mixed-media paintingseries: Silent Waterfalls, etc.,space installations and sculptures corresponding to his painting works. Sabaki Group which is an artistsgroup he himself founded and participated in since 2008, byusing the method of appropriation and involvement created an art space calledSabaki, in which a myriad works were presented in non-art territories. Whichhave shown works from the non-artistic perspectives in an aboriginal community(Xiao Zhou village) in Guangzhou over 10 years. It has become a space of artnarratives and local histories. In general, Sabaki is a continuing growingspace, which is famous for its peculiar theatrical features. Liu Ke alsoco-founded Boxes Art Space and Boxes Art Museum.,etc.


刘可Liu Ke,貓科动物2 Cats 2,mixed-media on canvas,2019



“Liu Ke's works focus on the exploration and imagination of the "space"concept.Whether his paintings or his installations they all show his dialogues with space. His integrated perception of dynamicand growing space and his distinct judgment of action lead to his realization and operation ofphysical space in reality. This constant renewing knowledge and practice makes him wandering freely in the edge of fiction andreality. His recent works break through the previous two-dimensional imagination and move towards a higher dimension ofexploration.“

——Vicky Cheung

唐寅九 Tang Yinjiu


唐寅九Tang Yinjiu, 2019 第4号2019No.4,布面丙烯acrylicon canvas,120x150cm,2019



“From face to face, from face to mask, from appearance to mask,Tang Yinjiu has carried out a series of archival face studies using oilpainting media and his real experience. Aiming at discussing the evolution of a paradigmor a kind of rule of the "natural face"and the "artificial face" under the conditions of globalized societyand the modern consumer culture”.

——Gu Zhenqing


唐寅九 Tang Yinjiu,2019第3号2019No.3,布面丙烯acrylic on canvas,120x150cm,2019



“Tang Yinjiu was unwilling be tamedin the dailylife. His role of lifehas changed always. He watched the world through the migration,interweaving and struggling of his identity, while with his works of art hepenetrates the hearts of people. "Faces" series tearing off thedecent veil of the publicwith a way of sincere offense, like a blooming flowerof evil by Baudelaire: the face of carnal desires, lost and struggling souls...This is a spiritual film of the present.“

——Zhang Tongdao

关于范勃 About Fan Bo


范勃Fan Bo再制造-----丽江花园Remanufacturing-Lijiang Garden, mixed-media oncanvas, 2018




关于刘可 About Liu Ke


劉可Liu Ke,无题 Untitled,布面综合媒介 mixed media on canvas, 2019


个展:2019年, “通道:刘可个展”,广州美术学院美术馆,广州,中国






2008年,“听狼”刘可作品展,Pretty LandGallery,法兰克福,德国

关于唐寅九 About Tang Yinjiu


唐寅九TangYinjiu,无题 Untitled,布面丙烯, acrylic on canvas,120x150cm,2019

唐寅九1966年生于湖南。2018 年唐寅九个展“面孔”于香港“北工22空间”举行,唐寅九作品被奥地利、美国、日本等地区的藏家所收藏。

2018 年 凤凰文艺出版社出版长篇小说《悬空的椅子》

2018年在中国最具影响力的文学刊物《中国作家》发表中篇小说“ 一小片浮云”,获得极佳回响。

2017年 移居香港专注于小说及绘画创作。


2009 年 开始油画创作,受到中央美术学院教授暨油画大师靳之林先生、中国油画写意艺术家戴士和先生、暨中国当代艺术家吴啸海先生指点与启发。

2008 年 出版长篇小说《折腾》,位列新浪、搜狐畅销书榜首。

1994年 为纪念白话文写作100年,策划出版《二十世纪中国文学大师文库》,是该文库出品人及《诗歌》卷联合主编。该文库作为九十年代具有标志性意义的文学事件,影响甚广

1982年 开始从事现代诗创作 ,参与创办成都大学生诗歌联合会、东方与未来研究会等民间机构,出版《大时代》等民刊。并陆续在《人民日报》、《诗探索》等报刊发表诗歌与散文。1993 -1999年创办《音乐生活报》、《环球青年》杂志及澳门五星卫视。

关于策展人 About Curator

顾振清1964年生于上海。1987年毕业于中国上海复旦大学历史系。2003年至2006年任上海多伦现代美术馆总策展人及副馆长,2004兼任中国当代艺术奖(CCAA)艺术总监,2005年兼任台湾东海大学美术系客座助理教授。2006-2007年任上海朱屺瞻艺术馆执行馆长。2007-2008年兼任《视觉生产》杂志主编、2008年受聘为第五届台新艺术奖决审评委、天津美术学院客座教授。2009-2011年任北京白盒子艺术馆艺术总监。2009-2016年任北京荔空间艺术总监。2014-2016年任西安贾平凹文化艺术馆学术馆长。2017-2018年至今任厦门MORE ART艺术馆学术馆长。2018-2019年任台湾艺术大学雕塑系客座副教授。现以独立策展人身份工作、生活于中国北京。

21世纪以来,顾振清曾策展2001年广东美术馆“虚拟未来”展;2001年成都现代艺术馆“首届成都双年展”;2002年苏州美术馆“海市蜃楼”展;2003年北京今日美术馆“二手现实”当代艺术展;2004年挪威奥斯陆国立当代美术馆“轻而易举·上海拼图2000-2004”展;2005年上海多伦现代美术馆“上海酷:创意在生产”国际艺术展;2005年韩国首尔市立美术馆“亚洲城市网络”艺术展;2006年英国利物浦双年展独立项目“中国馆”;2008年波兰“调解”首届波兹南国际双年展;2009年台北当代艺术馆“各搞各的:岐观当代”艺术展;2011年法国留尼汪双年展;2012年上海沪申画廊“心动上海”一汽大众-奥迪艺术大展;2013年法国留尼汪双年展;2015年意大利米兰世博会中国企业联合馆、米兰艺术与科学博物馆 “原乡”中国当代艺术展;2016年乌兰巴托蒙古国家美术馆“2016乌兰巴托华语短片电影节”;2016年圣彼得堡俄罗斯民族博物馆 “走出牡丹亭:中国女性当代艺术展”;2017-2018年上海中华艺术宫“天的那边:当今时代的蒙古艺术”展;2018年土耳其伊斯坦布尔ZFotoFest国际摄影节;2018年蒙古国首届“乌兰巴托国际艺术节”;2018年中国四川首届“广安田野双年展”。

