在英语中,人们用表达 “a bad hair day(头发乱糟糟的一天)” 来比喻 “诸事不顺或倒霉的一天”主持人 Neil 好像就遇到了这种让人心烦意乱的日子来听他和佳莹的对话,学习这个口语表达的含义和用法,下面我们就来聊聊关于星期日英语快速记忆?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



地道英语Bad hair day 不顺心的一天内容简介

在英语中,人们用表达 “a bad hair day(头发乱糟糟的一天)” 来比喻 “诸事不顺或倒霉的一天”。主持人 Neil 好像就遇到了这种让人心烦意乱的日子。来听他和佳莹的对话,学习这个口语表达的含义和用法。


(关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目,我是佳莹。

NeilAnd me, Neil.

Jiaying怎么了,Neil?You don’t sound that happy.

NeilI’m not. I went to bed late and this morning, I overslept. It’s all been a bit of a rush and I haven’t even had time for my morning coffee.

JiayingOh, dear. Neil, I guess that explains it.

NeilExplains what?

JiayingWhy you’re such a mess – your clothes are scruffy, you’ve got food stuck to your beard and your hair!

NeilWhat about my hair?

JiayingIt’s not very… tidy.

NeilAm I having a bad hair day?

JiayingI think you are! 表达 “a bad hair day” 用 “起床后头发乱糟糟,怎么也打理不好” 的情况来比喻 “倒霉、不顺心的一天”。Don’t worry, Neil. You’re not alone. Listen to these people…

ExamplesToday’s a bad hair day for me – I feel a complete mess.

Oh, no! I’ve got an interview today, and it’s a bad hair day.

I’m having a bad hair day – I think I’ll go back to bed!

Jiaying这里是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。大家可能遇到过在某一天,不论怎么打理,头发都不听话的情况。在口语中,表达 “a bad hair day” 就借此比喻 “诸事不顺心,倒霉的一天”。Oh, Neil. I think you better go and tidy yourself up.

NeilReally? But I’ll need your help.

JiayingDo you need a brush?

NeilNo, I need a cup of coffee!

JiayingOK. If that’ll help you to make your bad hair day become a good hair day.

NeilIt will. Thanks.


