
ruffle 英 [ˈrʌfl] 美 [ˈrʌfl] v. (用手指)将头发弄乱;(鸟发怒或炫耀)竖起羽毛;(使)起伏不平;(使某人)变得不平静;给……打褶裥;自大 n. 皱褶饰边;生气;混乱;连续轻擂的鼓声;起伏

考点1: n.皱褶,褶裥花边: a strip of fabric gathered or pleated on one edge

: rumple, wrinkle

: ruffled adj.有褶裥边修饰的

考点2: vt.使粗糙: to destroy the smoothness or evenness of

e.g. The acid ruffled the surface of the catalyst. 酸使得催化剂的表面变得粗糙。

: abrade, chafe, erode, roughen, rub, wear

: glaze, smooth使平滑

考点3: vt.扰乱,打扰: to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts

e.g. The stream of minor complaints finally ruffled him into snapping, “If you don't like the way I'm doing it, do it yourself!” 一系列的抱怨终于让他爆发: “如果你不喜欢我做事的方法,你就自己去做!”

: annoy, bother, chafe, frost, gall, grate, itch, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, rasp, rile, vex

: allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe 平息,缓和

variance 英 [ˈveəriəns] 美 [ˈveriəns,ˈværiəns] n. 变异;变化;不一致;分歧;[数] 方差

考点1: n.不一致,不和谐: a lack of agreement or harmony

e.g. Persistent variance within the band eventually caused it to break up.乐团中持续不断的分歧最终导致了它的解散。

: conflict, disaccord, discordance, disharmony, dissent, division, friction, schism, variation, war

: accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, peace和谐,一致

: variant adj.变体的,不同的

requite 英 [rɪˈkwaɪt] 美 [rɪˈkwaɪt] vt. 报答,回报;酬谢

考点1: vt.酬谢,报答: to make repayment or return for

e.g. requited her love with hatred 恩将仇报

: indemnify, reciprocate, recompense, recoup, reimburse, remunerate, repay

考点2: vt.报仇: to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible for

e.g. The future writer would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmates by creating scathing portraits of them in his novels.未来的作家会把在同学那受的委屈的帐算清的——他会在小说中把他们描绘成恶人。

: avenge, redress, retaliate, revenge

: absolve, condone, forgive, pardon 饶恕,宽恕

champion 英 [ˈtʃæmpiən] 美 [ˈtʃæmpiən] n. 冠军;拥护者;战士 vt. 支持;拥护 adj. 优胜的;第一流的

考点1: vt.支持 / n支持者: to fight for, defend, or support as a champion

e.g. to champion the cause of civil rights 支持民权事业

: advocate, back, endorse, patronize, plump for

: disparage, impugn, oppose 贬低,反对

resplendent 英 [rɪˈsplendənt] 美 [rɪˈsplendənt] adj. 光辉的;华丽的

考点1: adj.华丽辉煌的: shining brilliantly

e.g. Geography teacher showed us a picture of the resplendent aurora borealis. 地理老师给我们展示了一张壮丽的北极光的照片。

: brilliant, glorious, gorgeous, grand, magnificent, splendid, sublime, superb

: dim, dull, lackluster 黯淡无光的

: resplendence n. 辉煌
